Planting seeds of perennial phlox for seedlings: rules of care and cultivation

There are not many flowers in a summer cottage, especially if these are unpretentious plants such as phlox. Phloxes (translated from Latin - "Flame") amaze not only with an exquisite and subtle smell, but also with the uniqueness of colors. It is unconditionally admitted that there are practically no problems with them.

Nevertheless, one cannot ignore some of the features in planting seeds of perennial phlox in spring for seedlings.

Varieties and varieties of perennial phlox

Varieties and varieties of perennial phlox:

  • Panicled (popular varieties: Amethyst, Blue Paradise, Bright Eyes, David, Delilah, Candy Twist, Sandro Botticelli, New Style, Cupid);
  • Subulate (Bonita, Candy Stripes, Scarlet Flame, Airlie Spring Blue).

Interesting! Perennial phloxes are not only paniculate and subulate, but it is almost impossible to find seeds of other species on sale 🙂

  • Spotted (Delta, Natasha, Omega, Rosalind);
  • Wide-spread (Clouds of Perfume, Landen Grove, Fullers White, Eco Texas Purple);
  • Stolonous (Bruces White, Home Fireers, Blue Ridge, Sherwood Purple).

And the only kind one-year plants is phlox Drummond.

By the way! The site has a separate material about when and how to plant annual phlox for seedlings.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds: terms and rules for planting

Perennial phloxes are planted with seeds, as a rule, with the aim of obtaining a large number of plants, for example, to create borders, dividing lines in the garden.

You can buy seeds in the store or collect seed boxes in the garden yourself in the fall.

Note! Phloxes from seeds, with proper care, bloom in the second year. Only required shelter them for the winter!

Phlox seeds can be sown before winter in open ground or in late winter and early spring for seedlings.

Sowing in autumn in open ground

According to the sowing rules before winter, you need to sow only on frozen soil and cover with dry soil.

Advice! It is advisable to increase the sowing rate in winter compared to sowing seeds for seedlings in spring.

Sowing in spring for seedlings

It is convenient to sow phlox at home in food plastic containers with a lid (or any other shallow containers), in which you must not forget to make drain holes (to drain excess moisture).

The earth can be taken the most common universal for growing flower seedlings. The soil should be light and loose.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing perennial phlox seeds (under the snow):

  • Pour 3/4 of the soil into the planting containers. Level well.
  • Spill soil before planting with mortar Fitosporin for his disinfection.
  • Spread the seeds carefully and evenly over the surface or along the grooves.

Perennial phlox seeds are not small, it is convenient to sow them.

  • Sprinkle with soil 0.5-1 cm on top.
  • Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap.
  • Remove the container with crops under the snow, as close to the ground as possible (it is best to put it on a board or plywood so that there is a flat surface).
  • After germination (which will occur in about a month), keep the seedlings at home on a light windowsill before planting in the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to bring containers with crops to the garden (for example, you live in an apartment, and you cannot get to the dacha in winter), then you can use another way sowing seeds, namely:

  • Seeds you need mix with wet sand and remove for stratification in the refrigerator before they hatch.

It is in these conditions that you create the most suitable conditions (acceptable temperature) for the germination of phlox seeds. So they will pass natural stratification.

  • After germination (as a rule, it takes up to a month) - plant in containers to a depth of 1 cm and grow at home at a temperature of 18-25 degrees.

Planting phlox seedlings in open ground

When phlox seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they should be planted in open ground. Usually, this period comes around in May, the return frosts will just pass, and the seedlings will no longer be threatened.

Place in the garden for further cultivation, it is advisable to choose a sunny or light partial shade.

The soil for the normal development of the flower requires a loose and fertile, rich in organic matter. If your soil is too heavy, then add sand, peat or any other soil loosening agent (humus, compost) to it.

How to care for perennial phlox in the garden

Further care of phlox consists in regular watering as the soil dries up, loosening and weeding from weeds, as well as timely feeding (if desired and necessary).

It is especially important to exercise frequent watering on hot and dry summer days, otherwise the flowering will not be so plentiful and intense.

It is important not to overflow the flower, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water well, it can simply rot.

Worth knowing! And phlox, preferably every 4-5 years transplant to a new place.

Typically, phloxes begin feedingin spring nitrogen to build up green mass. As such a fertilizer, you can use urea, ammonium nitrate... Plants will also be grateful for organic feeding. So, you can fertilize with infusion of mullein or chicken droppings.

The following dressings during the budding and active flowering period, of course, should already be without nitrogen (or with its minimum amount), but exclusively with the use of potassium and phosphorus... Organic potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are excellent for this wood ash, mineral - potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

If you want to prolong flowering phlox, then on time remove dried inflorescences early and mid-late varieties of this plant.

Important! About caring for phlox in the fall and preparing them for winter (pruning, shelter) read more in this article.

Video: secrets of caring for perennial phlox

Thus, to the delight of both advanced flower growers and novice summer residents, caring for these amazingly beautiful and fragrant flowers called phlox is not particularly difficult. Just for the good of flowers, grow them not anyhow, but correctly, adhering to our recommendations for choosing containers for seedlings, places, soil, sowing and further care before planting in a flower bed.

Video: how to grow perennial phlox from seeds

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