How to store onion sets before planting in spring: temperature conditions and suitable containers

At the end of summer, did you collect a set grown from black onion, or even in winter you bought a variety you liked “cheaply” and do not know how to save it until future planting?

Next, you will learn how to preserve onion sets before spring planting so that it does not deteriorate (rot) and later (after planting) does not give an arrow.

In what cases does it become necessary to store onion sets

Let's say that in the spring you sowed black onion seeds and already in the summer, at the end of July-beginning of August, you have grown your own onion set.

And when the onion feathers dried up (the main sign of ripening), you removed the crop from the garden, dried it, sorted by size and rejected low-quality onions. And now the question arose of its further storage.

Another situation. Sevok begins to be sold in our stores since January-February, and you bought yourself a batch in advance. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to properly preserve it before spring planting (and before that you should carefully examine and discard it).

Note! It would seem, why buy sevok ahead of time in order to store it. But many people think it's better this way than later reap the benefits of improper store storage... And the set is also worth much cheaperif his buy out of season.

How to store onion sets until spring: rules and storage methods

The yield of sevka largely depends not only on its timely and correct planting in spring, as well as from further care (glaze, top dressing), but also from its competent storage.

As you know, there are two ways to prevent the seed from going to waste:

  • keep warm, at a temperature of about +18 .. +20 degrees (not higher than +25);
  • or in the cold, at a temperature of +1 .. + 4.

Nuance! If you are going to keep the set in the cold, then before landing you will need be sure to hold warming the bulbs.

If this is not done, then the bow will start shooting, what negatively affect its yield.

Although small set (up to 1 cm in diameter), as a rule, not prone to shooting.

Accordingly, if you have no cellar or basementthen you can store the set in the apartment.

However! It is worth considering that small set (up to 1 cm in diameter) often dries up in warm and dry home conditions

therefore small (1 cm) sevok is best kept cold, and here large (2-3 cm) - warm (at home in the closet or put on the mezzanine).

How to store onion sets?

Perfect fit egg containers, cardboard boxes, paper bags (in which they put food from McDonald's).

The main thing that storage container was breathable.

How can not be stored sevok

Remember! The most unsuitable temperature for storing seedlings is +5 .. + 15 degrees Celsius and high humidity. In such conditions, the seedlings will necessarily rot and / or germinate.

Well, now you can definitely save your seedlings for spring planting. Good luck and high yields (large and juicy bulbs)!

Advice! Sevka storage motto: warm for large and cold for small, dry and dark!

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