How to keep a bouquet of tulips at home longer

Tulips are available in all kinds of colors - red, pink, yellow! They carry inspiration, harmony and love, which is why they, along with sprigs of mimosa, are traditionally presented to beloved women (girls, wives, grandmothers, colleagues, teachers) on March 8. Indeed, it is so pleasant to get a bouquet of cut flowers with a subtle scent of spring freshness inherent only in it.

However, let's not just rant anymore! You have come to this article to get complete information on how to keep your donated tulips fresh longer. Well, then you get it.

How to buy tulips that will stand for a long time: rules for choosing a bouquet

If you want your tulip bouquet to last at home as long as possible, then first of all, you need to initially choose fresh flowers.

How to do this, what should you pay attention to when buying a bouquet?

Directly on the appearance of flowers:

  • Tulips must have tough, erect stems, evenly colored green leaves and dense, closed and colored buds. Also they shouldn't have no damage (on leaves).

Note! If the buds are tightened with an elastic band, then most likely they are not fresh. As soon as you take it off, they simply "fall apart".

  • Flower should not be overgrown, and its buds should be within the upper leaves.

If the flowers are noticeably higher than the leaves, then this is a clear sign that the flower has outgrown, which means that the duration of flowering will be noticeably shorter.

  • If at the base of the bud more greenish, then this is normal - the flower is fresh and not overgrown.
  • If buds haven't opened yetthen flowers may not have a scent, and this is again normal. They will delight you with their scent already at home, in a vase, when they open.
  • Low bud height (within 4-5 cm) - this is again within normal limits. In the future (at home, in a vase of water), it will grow (swell) and increase in size (up to 7-8 cm).

By the way! Perhaps you have noticed that tulips are often sold in this form: the buds are small, green at the base, they have a very muffled or completely absent smell. Now you know why. Unless, they are sold very "green" ...

Of course, you can ask the seller about the freshness, but you will hardly get an honest answer. Therefore, you need to act independently, carefully assessing the quality of the purchased gift.

Important! If it's freezing outside and you buy tulips "from the car",even though they will look great when you bring them home, they will start to fade quickly enough. The fact is that everyone subzero temperatures are contraindicated for flowers, in other words, frozen flowers will not be stored.

Video: how to choose the right tulips for the bouquet to last as long as possible

Advice! Buy as a gift flowers in pots with bulbs (or just bulbs)! So they will definitely stay longer, and then they can still be planted in the garden.

By the way! You can yourselfdrive out tulips at home.

What needs to be done with tulips to make them stand longer: preparatory activities

So you brought bouquets of tulips home, what to do next?

Before you put tulips in a vase of water, you first need to update slices, more precisely, refresh (by 1-2 cm). This can be done with a pruner or a sharp knife.

Moreover do not cut too large, especially if the lower part of the stem is white. it is actually the part of the bulb that contains some nutrient supply.

Note! Many people advise to cut the stem at an acute angle, so to speak, 45 degrees (obliquely). This is motivated by the fact that, eIf you make the cut straight, then the end of the stem will simply burrow into the bottom of the vase, which means that the flower will not be able to receive food normally. As a result, after a short period of time, the flowers will begin to wither rapidly. However, this rule works for roses, butbulbous flowers are often cut in a straight line, in other words, do even cut (90 degrees)... This is due to the fact that in spring primroses very soft stems, so they are trite withfalsely cut at an angle (the same hyacinths, muscari, etc.). In addition, they still will not stand on the sharp end of the stem: they will crush and squeeze it.

However! If the stems are not soft (hard), then an oblique cut can be used.

It should also be mandatory remove (cut off) the lower leavesso that they do not pull on extra moisture. In addition, if the leaves are under water, they will soon begin to rot.

Sometimes, you can find advice on what to do additionally notches on the stem... Astill, with a needle, you can pierce through the stem just below the bud (about 2 cm). This will allow the flower to receive more oxygen and prevent sagging.

How to keep a bouquet of tulips at home

Many typical questions arise for those who want to extend the flowering of tulips at home for a long time. Here are the answers to the most common ones:

Video: how to keep cut tulips in a vase longer - 5 tips

Dry storage method for cut tulips (no water)

Suitable if you bought flowers in advance and want to keep them until the ceremony (before the holiday).

You can store them in a dark, damp and cool place - inrefrigerator(cellar, basement). Naturally, initially the flowers must be wrapped in paper or newspaper. However, a cardboard box is also suitable for storage. But cellophane or plastic bags are unsuitable for storage, because do not let air through.

When the time comes to give tulips, you will need to get them out, update the cut and, without removing the wrapper, put them in a container with cold water (let them saturate with water for half an hour). After that, it is beautiful to pack and donate.

Where to put tulips: what vase, water, what to add to it

Fundamental rules:

  • Water must be cold and necessarily defended.

Advice! Of course, it is ideal to use settled or distilled water, rain or snow water.

  • Vase necessary fill with water Total 5-7 centimeters.

Important! As mentioned earlier, the leaves should never touch the water.

So tulips will not stand for a long time: the leaves are in the water, the window is open (draft), the flowers are exposed to direct sunlight ...

Many add special products in waterto prolong the life of flowers, namely an antiseptic (preservative, disinfectant - "killer of bacteria") and top dressing.

Therefore, we definitely advise you to read the detailed article aboutways to increase the shelf life that are used for roses, where all means are described in detail.

How to care for tulips in a vase at home

Tulips need proper care to prolong flowering:

  • Change water as it warms up (pour as cold as possible), in other words, every day or even more often (optimally 2 times a day).

Alternatively, you can throw ice cubes into a vase of tulips (for example, morning and evening) so that the water stays cold longer.

  • Refresh the cutcutting by 1-2 cm (also every day or at least once every 2 days).

Moreover, it is desirable to combine both procedures.

Note! Tulips grow in water. This is not a myth.

In what conditions should tulips stand in a vase of water

Observing the following conditions of keeping, your favorite flowers will be able to stand much longer:

  • Keep the vase of flowers away from sunlight... Especially should be protected from direct sunlight.

Indoors also there should be no permanently switched on artificial lighting, in other words, the light should not be on.

  • A place should be the coolest in the apartment... It is generally recommended +2 .. + 5, but at home, of course, it is difficult to adhere to such requirements, except perhaps to put on a glazed unheated balcony or loggia.

Note! In no case there should be no drafts.

Also an excessively dry place will not work, for example, next to the central drowning batteries.

In this way, minimum temperature (but not minus!) and minimum amount of light - the main factors for the long-term preservation of tulips fresh. And the lighter and warmer, the faster are the processes in flowers: they stretch, bloom and wither.

  • Not worth it put tulips in one vase with other flowers, which include lilies, daffodils, roses, carnations, lilies of the valley, orchids and poppies. They will definitely not like this neighborhood.However, it is believed that a twig of a thuja or cypress, on the contrary, will improve their condition and even make the color more intense (myth or not?).

Important! Also, in no case should a vase of flowers stand next to a fruit basket. It is known that fruits emit ethylene gas, which negatively affects the duration (flowering) of all flowers, including tulips..

How long can tulips continue to bloom in a vase of water

If you follow all the rules to the maximum, then tulips can bloom and stay fresh for a week or more (within 2 weeks). Naturally, the initial state of the flowers also affects the duration. Therefore, if you buy a bouquet as a gift, then choose initially fresh tulips.

Harsh truth! However, as a rule, it is possible to keep cut tulips in a vase for no longer than 3-5 days.

As you can imagine, keeping cut tulips fresh is not that difficult. It is much more important to always give flowers to loved ones. And they can cope with how to prolong their life. However, choosing the right fresh flowers is also essential.

Video: keeps tulips alive

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