How to care for eustoma in the open field: timing of planting seedlings and growing rules

You have successfully passed the most important and longest stage - you have grown strong eustoma seedlings, haven't you?

This means that now you want to know in more detail about the future fate of your seedlings. Namely, when it is better to plant it in open ground (on a flower bed), where (in which part of the site), how to do it correctly, and, of course, familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for eustoma.

How to grow eustoma seedlings at home: sowing time and care rules

If you are still in the process of growing seedlings, then ...

Note! The site already has a detailed article, after reading which you will find answers to all questions regarding when and how to sow eustoma seeds for seedlings, including care before planting in a flower bed.

When and how to plant eustoma seedlings in open ground

Optimal timing

Let's say that you sowed lisianthus in January, which means that the average seedling will be ready for planting in open ground around June.

However, first of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the seedlings, more precisely, to plant only when the Lisianthus appears on 4-6 pairs (8-12 pieces) of true leaves.

Important! If the seedlings are ready earlier (in the second half to the end of May), then do not pull and plant them in the ground.

In this case, it is imperative that stable warm weather be established, i.e. during the day the temperature was not lower than +20 degrees (optimally - +25), and at night it did not fall below + 12..15 degrees. At a lower temperature, lisianthus will simply stop developing, which means that it will be bad to take root in a new place.

After a while, when the plant acclimates to a new place, it will have a peduncle, and after a couple of weeks the eustoma will begin to bloom, and flowering will continue until the very autumn frosts.

Choosing a place on the site

Optimal placement of eustoma in the windless part plot in light partial shade (the plant loves shine, but only absent-mindedrather than direct scorching sunlight; it will not bloom in the shade at all), eg, near the fence (if it is not solid, but mesh) or greenhouses.

If your climate is not hot, then it is better to plant the plant in the light.

The soil for normal growth should be loose, moisture-absorbing (without stagnant water) and fertile... Before planting seedlings, it is advisable to add to the groundcomplex mineral fertilizer, for example, nitrophosphate, as well as humus.

As mentioned earlier, eustomas will grow well only on neutral soil acidity in the range of 6.0-7.0 pH (and even better closer to 7, i.e. 6.5-7.0 pH). If the soil is more acidic, then growth and flowering will be delayed, so it will be necessary to add a standard deoxidizer of the type when transplanting into acidic soil dolomite flour or wood ash.

Technique for planting seedlings on a flower bed

The transplanting process itself is again standard, it is also called the "transshipment method". That is, you pull out the plant along with the earthen lump (and first spill it so that the lump does not collapse and gets out of the pot well) and put it in a previously prepared and shed hole in the flowerbed (slightly larger than the earthen lump of the plant itself). Then cover it with earth, compact it and water it again.

It is optimal to plant eustoma seedlings at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

By the way! If you transplanted (crossed) during cultivation the eustoma seedlings into large garden pots, then in the summer, with the onset of warm weather, they must be taken out and placed in the garden, for example, along the paths (but in some shade).

How to care for eustoma outdoors

After transplanting into open ground, caring for eustoma is quite common - it is regular watering, loosening and weeding, as well as periodic feeding.

Watering and loosening

The plant loves moisture. Eustoma needs regular, but moderate watering both before flowering and at its beginning. If the soil dries out, then the flowering time will be postponed. Or, even during the flowering period, the buds themselves may crumble. However, this does not mean that it can be poured: the top layer has dried up - watered, dried up again - watered again.

Watering the plant by sprinkling is prohibited. If water gets on the leaves, then Lisianthus can easily pick up some kind of fungal disease.

In order not to loosen the soil after each watering, and also not to fight weeds, you can simply mulch the planting site with bark, straw, dry hay or other decorative mulch that will trap the evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Top dressing

During the flowering period, it is recommended to feed the eustoma with fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus (more potassium), so it will be more abundant and lasting.

Potassium fertilizers are mineral (potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium, potassium monophosphate) and organic (wood ash).


If you have planted a tall variety of eustoma, then you should tie the plant to a support so that it does not fall under the number and weight of its bulky buds.

Other care measures: removal of peduncles, treatment from diseases

If you want the eustoma to bloom for a long time and decoratively, then promptly remove wilted flowersso that the plant does not waste extra energy on the continuation of its kind - the ripening of seeds (seed pods).

Lisianthus very easily picks up various fungal diseases. Therefore, if the summer is rainy, then for prevention, it is advisable to periodically treat your plants with a solution Fitosporin (biological product) or other chemical fungicides.

By the way! Be sure to cut the eustoma for a bouquet, and you can even with unopened buds! Flowers will stand perfectly in a vase and will not wither for 2-3 weeks.

Remember that only true growers can boast of blooming lisianthus flowers in their garden. Take good care of it, and the eustoma will delight you with its beautiful flowering for a long time. Good luck!

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