How to grow a spruce from a cuttings: the rules of cuttings at home

In the top of the favorite evergreens is the spruce, which always infinitely pleases summer residents with the dense greenery of its needles and the amazing fragrance of resins. In order to guarantee to grow a slender beauty in a summer cottage, it will be more interesting to propagate it by yourself, for example, by cuttings.

You will definitely succeed if you listen to our time-tested and experience-proven advice and recommendations.

How to propagate a spruce at home

Spruce can be propagated in the following ways: sow with seeds (difficult and long), grow from cuttings (easier and faster), buy and plant ready-made seedlings (easiest, but also more expensive).

Note! About, how to plant a ready-made spruce seedling in open ground and take care of it in the future, read in this article.

Seed breeding method

Advice! The site also has material about how to grow spruce from seeds at home.

Spruce propagation by cuttings

An easier way to propagate spruce is to cut it at home, which, as a rule, is performed in early spring at the time of the beginning of sap flow.

Cutting cuttings

As a starting material for grafting, it is advisable to take the top of the spruce... Next, you should make cuttings 18-25 centimeters long, and do not chop, namely cut off with your handsso that at the end of the cutting a "heel" is formed with the growth of the last year.

Then you need them soak in water during the day. Remove all needlesby clearing bottom 5-7 centimeters. Further,trim off all unnecessary side branchesleaving only the main trunk.

Cuttings ready for planting they should look like this:

Preparation of the planting tank (greenhouse) and soil

Now you need to do mini greenhouse from a 5-liter bottle, cutting the bottle so that about 20 centimeters remain above the handle, that is, about 2/3. Then at the bottom of the bottle it is recommended to do drain holes, and not in the very center, but around the circumference, somewhere 1 centimeter from the wall.

It is important to prepare the correct air and water permeability soil mixture for planting spruce cuttings. It is optimal to make it from coconut substrate and peat, mixing 1 to 1.

At the bottom of the planting container, put a small drainage layer 3-4 centimeters from gravel and / or expanded clay.

Planting a cutting

Step-by-step instructions for planting a spruce cuttings at home:

  1. Prepare the cuttings (cut and soak).
  2. Pick up a planting container (mini-greenhouse).
  3. Make drainage and soil mixture.
  4. Pour 10-12 centimeters of soil onto the drainage layer and press down (tamp).
  5. Treat the cuttings with a root stimulator, for example, "Kornevin". But first, on the lower peeled part of the cuttings, you need to make scratches (scuffs) with a knife or a saw with fine teeth, which must be processed with Kornevin. In this case, it is advisable not to dip them into the stimulant, but to rub them in.
  6. Then deepen the cuttings at an angle of 45 degrees and compact the soil well.
  7. Sprinkle with river sand about 1 centimeter so that moisture does not linger and cause rotting of the cuttings.
  8. Drizzle with warm water and close the lid.
  9. Place the planting container with cuttings in a dark place.

Caring for cuttings after planting and planting them in open ground

It will take about 2.5-3 months to root the cuttings.

If the top of the bottle (greenhouse) fogs up, then the greenhouse must be ventilated by opening the top cover. Additional ventilation holes can be made in the lid, in which case it does not even have to be unscrewed.

When the time comes for planting spruce cuttings in open ground, be sure to water the seedlings well beforehand. Only then can you easily get an earthen ball and plant small plants in your garden.

The next video shows the planting of spruce cuttings in the autumn (October). However, many gardeners do not particularly complain about this period, since the percentage of rooting of cuttings is much lower than in spring, but still.

Video: growing blue spruce from cuttings at home

Video: the result of rooting blue spruce cuttings

Important! All information on the choice of a place and planting a spruce seedling in open ground you'll find in this article.

You really want to multiply the spruce in your country house without any problems. You no longer need to hold back this desire. We have set a vector for how to do this using seeds, cuttings, ready-made seedlings. Now it's up to you!

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