What flowers to plant for seedlings in February: a list of flower crops

February is just approaching or has already come, and you are thinking about what flowers can be planted in winter.

Next, you will be presented with a list of flower crops that you can and even need to sow in February for seedlings, so that the plants are guaranteed to start blooming in May-June.

By the way! And learn about what vegetables can be planted in February, You can from this article.

What flowers can be planted in February

For such an early winter sowing of flowers in February, only those flower plants are suitable that differ in the following characteristics:

  • They have a long growing season (the period from sowing to flowering / fruiting) - on average from 100 days;
  • Seeds are tough-like (with a long seed germination period);
  • Requires seed stratification (cold storage or cold treatment).

Interesting! Almost everything falls under these parameters. "Small-seeded" or "small-dust" (with very small seeds) flower crops.

Sow them extremely superficially.

Naturally you need adjust for the climatic conditions of your region of residence... So, in the southern regions, you can plant even earlier, because there is the possibility of a fairly early planting of seedlings in open ground, whereas, for example, in the Middle Lane before May, almost nothing can be planted (except perhaps in a greenhouse, but these are vegetables, and we are talking about flowers).

However! Do not rush to plant too early (from the first days of February) when the daylight hours are still too short. Plants in such conditions will be very uncomfortable without additional lighting with phytolamps.

List of flowers for sowing in February

Next, you will be presented with a list of annual and perennial flowers that can be planted in the last month of winter.

The note! It should be understood that many perennials (biennials) can be grown as annuals (for example, the same begonia, delphinium).

Annual flowers (annuals)


This beautiful flower, sometimes called the Irish rose, can be planted even earlier - in January.

Advice! ABOUT the nuances of planting and caring for eustoma (lisianthus) seedlings read here.


The site has detailed material about how to sow petunia for seedlings correctly.


Another flower with very small (dusty) seeds, the sowing and cultivation of which is described in detail in this material.


Asters are both annual and perennial. Growing technology is similar.

Viola (Pansies)

Pansies can be grown asannualand biennial.

Carnation Shabo

This flowering culture has a very long growing season, which means that Shabo cloves must be sown for seedlings in February (you can even in January).

And about that how to plant a Shabo carnation correctly, you can find out from this material.


The site already has material about the rules for planting verbena seedlings.

Gatsania or gazania

Pelargonium (geranium)

About, how to sow and grow strong seedlings Pelargonium read here.

Snapdragon (antirrinum)

About, how to sow and care for snapdragon seedlings, detailed in this material.


Seed stratification is required.


The seeds are very small, which means they need to be sown exclusively superficially and on high-quality loose soil.


Aquilegia (Catchment)

Advice! ABOUT rules for planting and growing aquilegia from seeds read in this article.

  • Requires stratification.


In general, begonia could be planted back in January, so it is better to sow it in the first half of February, otherwise the plant will simply not have time to form a good and viable tuber.

On the site you can also find all the information on planting and growing tuberous begonias (including from seeds).



Can also be grown as an indoor flower (with a transplant from open ground).


Most often it is planted as an annual, but it can and should be grown as a perennial.

ABOUT the rules for sowing delphinium seedlings read here.

Seed stratification is desirable.


Seeds are recommended to be stratified, but stratification can be dispensed with.


About, how to grow perennial chrysanthemum, detailed in this material.


By the way! About, how to sow lavender seeds for seedlings and grow at home, detailed in this material.

  • Stratification required.


Another flower culture that requires stratification (clematis Tunguska).

Advice! About, how to sow on seedlings and grow clematis from seeds, read here.

If you sow daisies for seedlings in late February-early March with a further pick, then they will be able to normally grow green mass and roots, which means that theoretically they will be able to bloom this year (in the fall). Although, as a rule, the culture is grown by direct sowing in open ground, and the flowering itself begins the next year.

When is the best time to plant flowers in February according to the lunar calendar in 2020

So, auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates for planting flower crops in February 2020 are:

  • annual flowers (annuals) - 1-8, 10-20, 25-29;
  • perennial flowers (including biennial) - 1-8,10-20, 25-29;
  • tubers and bulbs of flower crops - 1-3, 6-8, 12-14, 25-29.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flowers in February 2020 (these are the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • 9, 21-22, 23 (common to all cultures).

Take your time, but do not be late with the February sowing of flowers for seedlings. Good luck!

By the way! Also in February, you can plant some vegetables for seedlings!

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