Onions for greens at home on the windowsill: rules for growing at home

Growing green onions on a window in a pot, bag or plastic bottle, with or without soil (sawdust or water) is a very interesting and rewarding activity. After all, green feathers contain a large amount of nutritious vitamins, so necessary during the winter lack of nutrients.

Well, next you will learn how to properly plant and maintain the bulbs for quick rooting at home on the windowsill.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill

Features of growing green onions in an apartment

It is possible to cultivate green onions on the windowsill almost all year round, but this is especially true in winter.

Planting green onions on a windowsill has many benefits:

  1. You don't have to buy green bundles at a spontaneous market or supermarket, where you are not sure how long it has been there.
  2. Green feathers will always be fresh.
  3. Can be grown for sale or as a gift, thus providing family, friends and acquaintances with fresh green onion feathers.

By the way! Self-planted and grown onion feathers at home are an environmentally friendly product.

Growing green onions on the window

Thus, planting and growing onions on a feather at home is a useful and necessary business, helping to ensure that there are always fresh vitamins on the table that can strengthen the immune system, especially in winter, when it is very required.

Which onion is suitable for growing on a windowsill

It is usually customary to grow traditional onion sets on the windowsill. It sprouts quickly and gives an abundance of feathers.

As for the size of the bulbs, you can take both small onion sets and fairly large specimens.

In general, of course, you can take any onion, but in order not to waste a good one (you can eat it anyway, cook something), it is better to use either an already sprouted or an overgrown set.

Growing onions at home

How to plant green onions on a windowsill - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions

First you need to decide in what containers and what soil (or water) you will keep your planting, as well as how to properly prepare the planting material and plant the bulbs themselves.

What soil to plant

Onions are a fairly unpretentious plant that does not require specific soil. However, if you plant the bulbs in heavy soil, there will be no sense in germinating. The moisture will begin to stagnate, and the earth will grow moldy, along with it your seedlings will rot.

If the soil is loose, air and moisture permeable, then the bulbs will quickly begin to gain strength and throw out strong, large and green feathers.

Such a soil substrate that meets all requests can be made independently or you can purchase ready-made soil (preferably peat-humus) at a gardening store.

If you decide to prepare the substrate yourself, then you need to take peat, humus (compost) and sand in equal parts. Better to dig up the forest land and mix it with compost.

Soil for growing onions on the window

Advice! Any soil, even purchased, is recommended to be pre-disinfected, for example, by spilling with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin, or by steaming in the oven, so that all pathogenic organisms and fungi die under the influence of high temperatures.

Of course, in addition to land, you can grow homemade green onions on water as well as on sawdust. Read more about this below.

Important! It is quite problematic to grow onions in clean sand, because it (sand) is quite dense in its consistency, which means that onion roots cannot easily penetrate into it.

Preplant preparation of bulbs

The bulbs should be carefully prepared before planting.

The bulbs themselves should be free of any mechanical damage (crumpled sides) and the presence of certain diseases, rot, moldy surfaces.

Next, the selected bulbs must be soaked in water for a day, or even better, before planting, they must be additionally etched in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes.

If you want to get an earlier harvest (by 5-7 days), then be sure to soak your onions.

And just before landing it is recommended:

  • remove all the top dry husk (so that it does not rot);
  • carefully trim the tops of the bulbs;
Advice! You need to prune so that even a little of the white body of the bulb is cut off. Then she will start throwing the pen much faster!
In addition, if you cut it poorly, the feather may begin to grow crooked.
  • get rid of long roots;
  • plant in a substrate (on the ground, sawdust or water).

Standard method of landing in the ground

Step-by-step instructions for planting onions on greens at home:

  • It is very good to moisten the soil (and not just its surface).
  • Place the bulbs on the ground and press them slightly to the ground.

You don't need to bury the bulbs in the soil!

  • The distance between the bulbs should be about 1 centimeter or even closer.
  • Place in a bright and warm place.
  • Monitor humidity and maintain.

Video: growing green onions at home (method of planting in the ground)

By the way! It is very good to drive green onions in on the windowsill in the ground in individual containers.

Ways of growing onions for greens (feathers) on the windowsill: what and how best to plant

For planting green onions, you can choose any container you like. The main requirement for containers is the presence of a wide neck or hole through which the onion will expel the greens.

However, it is not necessary to plant onions in the ground. It can be grown without land - in sawdust, or on water.

Worth knowing! In the ground, you can get much faster and more plentiful harvests (subject to powerful bulbs), but growing in water is much easier: less troublesome and costly.

Planting in plastic bottles with earth

Advice! Growing onions on feathers in plastic bottles is a great way to get large yields in a relatively small area.

One of the most original ways to grow onions in an apartment is to plant them in a plastic bottle (5-6 liters).

Green onions in a bottle at the window

By the way! Many people use 1.5-2 liter plastic bottles for forcing onions.

Step-by-step instructions for planting onions on greens in a plastic bottle:

  • First, holes in the walls are cut (drilled or burned) in the bottles (from where, in fact, your crop will climb out).

Also don't forget to make drain holes at the bottom.

  • And then the bulbs are planted in the planting nests as the earth is poured into the container.

The bulb should sit tightly in the nest so that soil does not spill out of the bottle, thereby contaminating your windowsill or the place where your mini onion farm will stand. therefore do not make too large holes.

  • You can trim the bottle off the top to give you extra room for the bulbs.
  • Water abundantly.

Note! The author of the next video did not pre-plant the bulbs. Do not forget about this necessary event, it is very important.

Video: how to grow onions in winter on a windowsill in a plastic bottle

In the video below, one of the most popular "garden" bloggers talks about creating a rather intricate design (especially in terms of watering) from a plastic bottle for planting and growing onions at home.

Video: a great way to grow onions on a windowsill

Growing onions without soil - in sawdust

Instead of soil, you can quite successfully use sawdust for forcing onions on a feather, in which a powerful root system is formed, which means that greens will grow quite well.

Important! Do not forget to pre-plant the bulbs. It is the same for all methods.

Sawdust will do absolutely any: both deciduous trees and conifers (for example, spruce), including both large and small.

Advice! Fit and sawdust from a pet store.

It is highly advisable to spend disinfection of sawdust. It will be quite enough if you pour boiling water over them and they will stand for 5-10 minutes (until they cool down) so that all the fungi die.

For growing in sawdust, relatively flat container, so it is suitable as a baking sheet 1.5-2 centimeters in height, as well as a box (4-5 cm).

You need to plant bulbs as close to each other as possible.

You can moisten the sawdust both before planting and after planting the bulbs.

Do not forget to maintain humidity by watering at least once every 5-7 days.

Note! The sawdust should not be wet (so that water would drain off of them), but it should be wet.

In sawdust in a bag

In sawdust, you can grow onions on a windowsill in the same way and in packages.

The specifics of growing onions in sawdust in a package:

  • the package must be durable;
  • the sawdust layer should be at least 3-4 cm;
  • it is better not to tie the bag, but you can also try (however, if you do not air it on time, then fungi will go).

Video: onions on a feather in 15 days is the best way to distill greens at home

Similarly, you can grow homemade green onions in bags filled with soil.

Planting in water (hydroponic method)

One easy way to grow onions on a windowsill is by rooting the heads in water.

Green onions on a windowsill in water

Growing onions in water on a windowsill is quite simple if you follow the following rules:

Worth knowing! Bulbs wake up in water much later than in soil or sawdust, so the process will take a little longer (about 2 weeks).

  • It is very convenient to use a jar or glass of yogurt as a container.

  • Also for growing in water, you can cut and make an uncomplicated design from a bottle.
  • The water should contain only the root system of the bulb.

If part of the bulb is in the water, then it will start to rot.

  • To prevent the water from rotting and stinking, it should be changed at least every other day, or better every day.
  • The dishes with onions are placed in the most lighted place, the required liquid is added as needed.

By the way! This process of planting and growing homemade onions will be very interesting for young children.

Video: how to grow onions for herbs in water

Interesting idea! If you take a container, fill it with water, cut holes in it for onions, and then connect to it compressor from the aquarium (hydroponic installation), then due to the enrichment of water with oxygen, onions will grow noticeably faster.

How to care for onions on the windowsill - watering rules

If you want to get a good harvest, then, naturally, you need to know in what conditions to grow onions for herbs at home so that the feather grows well. And also what kind of lighting, temperature and humidity is needed (how often to water).

Growing place: lighting and temperature conditions

In order for the feathers of onions to have a rich green hue, elastic and useful, the plant needs a lot of sunlight. Excellent for germination of young shoots are suitable southern or southeastern or southwestern window sills.

By the way! If you have an insulated balcony or loggia, then, of course, it is better to grow green onions there.

Naturally, in winter there will not be enough sunlight on any window or balcony, therefore, it is highly recommended to additionally illuminate the landings with special phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and evening, as well as in cloudy weather.

Important! Due to the lack of light, the green becomes light (light green, and we need a dark green shade of the feather). However, you can quickly correct the situation, it will be enough just to put a container with plantings for the day under the lamps.

Thus, the optimal duration of daylight hours for forcing onions on a feather is 12-14 hours.

Green onions on the window

It is also important that the summer midday sun rays do not touch the lush greenery. Therefore, on very sunny days, you need to either shade your plantings, or move them a little into the shade.

By the way! Do not forget to turn your container with bulbs in different directions towards the light.

The ideal temperature for comfortable growth of green onions at home is + 18 ... 25 degrees. Although, according to some reviews, 15-17 degrees is also suitable, but not less, especially at the initial stage of growing.

It is worth considering! At temperatures above +30 degrees, the growth of greenery stops.


The most important thing when growing feather onions at home is to constantly monitor the humidity. It is impossible for the surface of the soil to dry out, or in a container with water, the roots do not reach the water. If this happens, then the plant will immediately shrivel and stop growing green mass.

Green onions on the windowsill

As for the specific frequency of watering, it is very difficult to say - just water as the soil dries up, and this already depends on the volume of the container and its depth. Maybe every day, maybe once a week.

Watering too often can cause the greens to become watery (not surprisingly).

Water for irrigation should only be used settled (or passed through a filterto keep it soft) and toroom temperature (i.e. not cold or hot).

Advice! If you grow on the ground, then 4-5 days before cutting it is recommended to stop all watering, and then resume.

Concerning dressing, then no fertilizer is used.

Dates of germination and harvesting of green onions on the window

Green onions grown on the windowsill begin to sprout quickly, but you should not immediately rejoice and pluck the first green feathers. You should wait a while. You can already start cutting off green feathers in 2-4 weeks, when they reach a height of 25-30 cm. sprout onionthen it will happen much earlier.

If you planted small onions, then after cutting them they are thrown away, since they will not release the feather further.

Onions on the windowsill in winter

Advice! Get fresh feathers throughout the winter it is possible by constantly planting fresh bulbs, for example, planting a couple of bulbs in the same container every 3-4 days. Then you will have a kind of "slide".

And if you plant large bulbs in deep pots with soilthen he will grow back even after 3-4 cuts.

Thus, growing onions at home on a windowsill is a very interesting and useful activity, which will be especially interesting to do with children. There is nothing complicated in this, but there is room for imagination.

Video: 5 best ways to grow green onions at home - an overview and comparison

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