Perennials for the garden, blooming all summer: names and photos of flowers for summer flower beds

It is difficult to disagree with the statement that a beautiful well-kept garden requires a lot of money and time. But at the dacha, sometimes you just want to take a break from everyday worries and the oppressive urban environment, cook something delicious on the fire, chat with friends and relatives in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy the fresh and clean air. However, you want to rest in comfort, surrounded by the beauty of flowers and greenery. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right perennial plants for a summer residence, which will bloom for a long time (preferably all summer) and do not require special attention from you, in other words, they should be relatively unpretentious in care.

Thus, we have prepared for you a selection (with photos and names) of perennial flowers for the garden, which will delight you with their continuous and long flowering throughout almost the entire warm season, and especially summer.

Benefits of growing perennial flowers in a garden bed

The main advantages of planting garden long-flowering perennial flowers:

  1. They can be grown in one place for at least 2-3 years. Thus, from them you can make the basis of your flowering flower bed.
  2. As a rule, they are all quite frost-hardy and perfectly tolerate cold winters with their alternating thaws and recurrent prolonged frosts.
  3. Relatively not demanding in care, in other words, unpretentious.
  4. They are maximally decorative practically during the whole summer or warm season, as they are able to resume flowering several times.
  5. They bloom much earlier than other flowers and finish blooming much later.
  6. Easily propagated by seeds, bulbs, division of rhizomes.
  7. They are resistant to attacks of insect pests and are able to scare them away.
  8. Attract pollinating insects to the garden.
  9. Some of them are medicinal plants and have a healing effect on humans.
  10. There is a huge variety of species and varieties of perennial flowers that can satisfy the most sophisticated needs.

With the help of perennial long-flowering plants, you can transform any piece of land in the country, any flower bed. They give special elegance and romance to borders and mixborders, they look bright and festive in hanging containers and pots.

Naturally there are also annual flowers and plants that bloom all summer... But they are usually preferred to use to add more variety to the garden.

Important! Many of these perennial flowers are very often grown as annuals due to overly harsh climates, in other words, too cold winters.

Perennials blooming all summer: top 25 flowers for a summer residence and a garden

Typically, most of these perennial flowers bloom profusely between May and September.

Astrantia is large

Salvia Dubravnaya (Sage)

Armeria seaside

Gypsophila paniculata flamingo


Soft cuff

Ordinary cuff

Willow loosestrife

Flax large

Cinquefoil herbaceous

Phlox perennial

Note! I liked the flower and you decided grow phlox at your summer cottage - it means that you here.


Note! Bulbous irises - beautiful flowers, learn how to grow them on your site.

No less wonderful perennials arebearded and beardless rhizome irises.





Bone sieve spotted


Rhodiola rosea



By the way! More detailed information about planting and growing lilies is in the spring here, and in the fall - here.


Ornamental yarrow

Pansies (viola)

Important! Grow viola will help you in your garden here is this article.

Carnation herb

Willow sunflower


Note! About, how to plant and care for astilbaread here.


Important! All about growing asters read in detail in this material.


Garden chamomile (Leukantemum Nivyanik)

Thus, even a novice florist can grow flowering perennials, since most of them do not require special care and are quite unpretentious. If you want your flower bed in the country to bloom throughout the summer, we recommend that you choose one or more of the above perennial flowers, from which you can decorate a real summer garden.

Video: perennial garden flowers blooming all summer - photos and names

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