Lobelia picking at home: terms and rules for transplanting seedlings

Did you come across this article because you were looking for information on when and how to dive lobelia seedlings correctly?

Well, you found her.

Further, you will find all the most relevant material about the timing, rules and intricacies of the procedure for picking lobelia at home, as well as about leaving after transplantation (transshipment).

Is it necessary to dive for lobelia: in what cases is it necessary and is it possible to get by

The classic definition of a pick (diving) is the removal of the final part of the taproot from a young seedling (in other words, shortening it by 1/3 or 1/4) in order to stimulate the branching of its root system.
However, the picking procedure, as a rule, means planting plants from a common container into separate and more spacious containers.
In fact, even lobelia do not dive, namely, overloadtaking out the plants along with a clod of earth.

Many people ask the question why it is impossible to immediately sow lobelia in a pots, so as not to dive (transplant) later.

In general, it really is possible, but ...They sow in seedling containers so that it is more convenient to place them on the windowsill or to illuminate them under phytolamps, because the seeds are small = there are a lot of seedlings.

But in general the essence of the pick all the same, in giving a chance to plants to develop better, gradually mastering large areas and spaces.

As for the number of picks, it all depends on the planting density:

  • if sown is not very thick, so to speak, in small bunches, then one pick will be enough;
  • if it is very dense, they also say "forest", then you can make two dives, but not necessarily - it is enough to dive compactly for the first time.

Is it possible to grow lobelia seedlings without picking

Indeed, some growers do not dive at all with lobelia, believing that she does not like it and from that is sick. At the same time, they sow it in the "forest", and then, when the time comes, they are planted in bunches in a permanent place in open ground or flowerpots (pots).

Of course, if you somehow manage to sow lobelia sparsely, as if "adding", into cassettes or other individual containers, then, indeed, you can do without picking.

It should be understood that such seedlings will at first develop noticeably slower than the dived one, but then they will be able to catch up.

When to dive lobelia seedlings

Lobelia picking should be carried out when the seedlings have 2 small true leaves each, while its height will be only 1.5-2 centimeters.

If the sprouts are very thin, this is normal.

As for the approximate timing, from sowing to picking, about 3-5 weeks should pass (including 4-10 days that go to seedlings).

Advice! You should not look at the time, first of all you need to monitor the development of plants, their appearance.

How to dive lobelia seedlings correctly

Lobelia seedlings have 2 true leaves each, which means that the time has come for picking it. However, in order to carry out the procedure correctly, you need to thoroughly prepare for it: prepare the soil, pick up a suitable dive container, buy a couple of useful drugs (which, most likely, you already have).

Soil preparation

For picking lobelia, exactly the same soil is suitable as when sowing seeds for seedlings, namely: it should be loose, light and neutral in acidity.

The easiest way is to use ready-made special soil for growing flower seedlings.

But you can prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing high peat, humus and sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.

It is advisable to prepare the soil the day before the pick!

And of course, be sure to carry out the procedure disinfection (including purchased).

Advice! Disinfect the soil can be done by steaming in the oven or microwave, or spilling with a solution of the drug Fitosporin (according to instructions)... Better yet, do both (first ignite, then cool, and then spill).

Dive container

When picking lobelia seedlings into separate containers, their dimensions should be about 6 by 6 centimeters, in other words, you can easily use 0.2-0.3 and even 0.5 liter cups. Both plastic cups and cassettes will do.

Also, a dive container must have drain holes, or you need lay out the drainage layer from expanded clay or pebbles (1-2 cm), but you can do both (but not at all).

However! If you plan to make a double pick, then for the first time, of course, you need to take containers of a smaller volume.

Direct pick

Step-by-step instructions for picking lobelia at home:

  • A few hours before the pick, young seedlings are lightly spilled with warm water so that the earthen lump is well separated.
  • Fill individual containers with soil mixture (but not completely, by about 2/3, so that you can water the plant normally and add soil as it grows).
  • Make small holes in the middle in advance.
  • Gently remove the plants from the container (starting from the edges): slowly, using a spoon or stick, gently pry them from below (digging in from different sides) and support with your fingers, remove the plantsbunches of 5-10 shoots from the soil. Or, as an option, you can cut out squares of lobelia with a knife.

  • If you sowed in peat tablets, then the tablet itself can be carefully divided into 2-4 parts and, without injuring the plants, can be seated in larger containers.

By the way! Of course, there are flower growers with truly unique patience who are able to painstakingly plant lobelia seedlings one at a time, gradually dividing the bunch with tweezers... However, there is no need for this, lobelia can develop well in a heap neighborhood. Moreover, flowers look especially beautiful when they grow with a lush hat.

  • Transfer the bunches into the holes, deepening to the cotyledons and gently press down with the same spoon (stick), and then slightly push (squeeze) the earth from the edges of the container.

By the way! For prevention black leg and other fungal diseases in each container (in the ground) you can put a "Glyocladin" tablet (if you do not use "Fitosporin").

  • Drizzle with water (without getting on the plants).

Instead of ordinary water, for better survival of the seedlings after picking, it can be spilled with a solution of the "Energen" preparation.

Video: picking lobelia with beams

Note! In the next video clip, a lobelia pick is carried out by planting one plant at a time.

Video: diving lobelia seedlings

And this video shows nuances of picking lobelia from peat tablets.

Video: how to properly dive lobelia seedlings grown in peat tablets

Lobelia seedlings care after picking

Further care for the cut lobelia is similar: you maintain the temperature and light conditions (highlight), water it in a timely manner (most importantly), feed (if necessary) and pinch (more on this later).

If you have not previously disinfected the soil or have not put "Glyocladin" in the container, then it is advisable to periodically water the seedlings with a solution of the drug"Fitosporin" (according to instructions) or other biological fungicides - "Alirin", "Gamair".

Moreover, this should be done if this is not the first time you are faced with lodging of seedlings due to root rot, the reasons for which may be temperature drops, excessive watering, damage to the root collar during late picking.

Pinch for lush bloom

When the height of lobelia seedlings reaches 5-7 cm and it already has 5-6 true leaves, you can pinch the tops of the plants, which will have a beneficial effect on more lush formation (tillering) and flowering of bushes.

Moreover, it is better not to pinch, but to cut it with sharp scissors.

Thus, now you know when and how to dive lobelia seedlings correctly. Perhaps, there is nothing complicated in this: the procedure is standard, you just need to observe some of the nuances.

Video: how to dive lobelia seedlings - a master class from the Garden World website

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