Growing heuchera in the garden: planting and care in the open field, breeding methods

Geuchera or spotted geranium has such a bright and rich color of leaves that it can literally replace flowers. Some novice gardeners sometimes even say "Heuchera flower", which is quite true, because the plant really blooms. It will be possible to get your portion of happiness from admiring the most beautiful herbaceous rhizome perennials of the Saxifrage family if you pay due attention to the timing and rules of planting it in open ground, as well as to appropriate care: watering, feeding, prevention of diseases and pests, which is very important for health and immunity preparation for winter.

All this, as well as various varieties of heuchera, the methods of its reproduction, will be devoted to this article.

When to plant Heuchera in open ground: timing

The optimal time for planting Heuchera is SpringWhen the soil has warmed up enough, the weather has stabilized, and the threat of return frosts has passed, that is, for the Central strip (Moscow region) - this is approximately the second half of May-early June.

Can be planted and in the fall, but not very late (in late August - early September), so that the plant has time to take root before the first frost (it takes a little more than 1 month for rooting on average).

In principle, it is allowed and summer landing of heuchera (necessarily with an earthen lump and with subsequent shading after planting), but in fact, container plants can be planted all year round.

According to the lunar calendar in 2021

It can help you choose the best date for boarding Moon calendar.

So favorable days for planting geychera in 2021 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in March - 4-6, 12-14, 26-31;
  • in April - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 13-15, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 6-9, 11-14, 23-25;
  • in July - 6-11, 13-16, 23-29;
  • in August - 5-7, 20, 21, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in September - 9-11, 15, 16, 19-21, 26-28;
  • in October - 6-8, 21-23;
  • in November - 9-13, 22-24, 27, 28.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2021 (days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign -italicized) for the planting of Heuchera are the following dates:

  • in March - 9-10, 13, 28;
  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27;
  • in July - 10, 24-25 (24 - also Full Moon);
  • in August - 8, 20-21, 22;
  • in September - 7, 16-17, 21;
  • in October - 6, 13-15, 20;
  • In November - 5, 10-11, 19.

Heuchera breeding methods: bush division and cuttings

As a rule, heuchera is propagated vegetatively - either by dividing the bush or by cuttings (however, in this case, these processes are very similar), but it can also be grown from seeds (this method is used much less often).

By the way! The timing of reproduction is similar to the timing of planting. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that it takes more time to root the cuttings, so you should not delay.

Many advise to propagate before or after flowering, but, as practice shows (gardeners reviews), this is not at all so important.

Dividing the bush

If the bushes began to lose their compactness, in other words, they began to fall apart and bare their middle (this usually happens after 3-5 years), then this is a clear sign that the plant should be divided and transplanted (transplanted).

You can do this by following these step-by-step instructions:

  • Dig out the bush along with the earthy clod.
  • Clear off the ground.
  • Divide with a knife or hands into several parts.

Note! Delenki can be of completely different sizes depending on the variety.

  • You also need to get rid of rotten roots (to healthy tissues, without any black spots), dry shoots and remove all lower leaves.

The leaves must be removed so that they do not take away food from the plant and do not evaporate excess moisture, because the main goal now is to allow the root system to take root.

  • Sections should be treated with ash or crushed coal.
  • Plant in open ground.

By the way! In theory, you can turn the dug out and divided cuttings into cuttings. Read about the essence of the grafting method below.


Cutting of heuchera is very similar to dividing a bush, only in this case you do not dig out the root system of the plant, but simply cut off the upper part (cutting off at the very base, without capturing the rhizome) and remove the lower leaves (after all, it is important that the roots grow, and the leaves then grow back). Plant it in the ground slightly deepening, spill it abundantly with water (preferably with some kind of rooted root), add soil mixture (so that a dry crust does not form) and cover it with a plastic bottle (for example, 2 or 5 liter) on top to create a greenhouse effect.

Important! It is imperative to root the cuttings in partial shade, and the earth should be as loose as possible (do not spare the sand).

Alternatively, this can be done in a greenhouse.

Note! Depending on the variety, cuttings can be of completely different sizes.

Video: how to propagate heuchera by dividing a bush and cuttings

From seed

Heuchera can be grown from seeds by planting on seedlings (around March). Sowing is carried out extremely superficially, because the seeds are very small (can be mixed with sand), which means that the container will immediately need to be put into the light. Further, when 2-3 true leaves appear, cut the plants into separate containers and plant mature heuchera seedlings in open ground in due time.

Important! Heuchera seeds do not need stratification.

Worth knowing! If you collect seeds from your own specimens, then maternal (varietal) traits will not be transferred to the plant. This is why, most likely, you will get the most common heuchera with a simple green leaf color.

Important! Freshly harvested seeds retain their germination capacity for only about six months.

How to plant Heuchera in open ground: step by step instructions

So that every time you meet a herbaceous perennial to delight you with the beauty of its leaves, and then flowers, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose the right place for it in the garden and the appropriate soil.

Place in the garden

There are often disputes among gardeners about which place in the garden is better to choose for growing heuchera. Some believe that it is sunny, others recommend planting in partial shade, and still others plant in the shade altogether. So, if in the sun and in partial shade certain varieties will grow quite well, then not everyone in deep shade.

Advice! Almost all geychers will find a place where the sunlight is diffused, or the sun is bright only in the first half of the day.

Remember, partial shade is a place where the sun shines only in the morning or in the evening, in other words, this is the east or west side of the garden (fence, house).

Some gardeners believe that heucheras with a dark color of leaves, as well as bright red or yellow, should be planted in partial shade, since they simply burn in the sun. But heucheras with green leaves can grow quite normally in sunny places.

In fact, it is generally accepted that forest geykhera grow better in partial shade, and mountain ones - in the sun.

However! You can find completely opposite opinions, so you should either pay attention to the characteristics of a particular variety, which can be indicated on the package (unfortunately, very rarely), or check empirically, i.e. transplant from place to place. However, initially it is better to always plant Heuchera in partial shade, and only then experiment with sunnier places.

Suitable soil

Heuchers prefer fertile, light and loose soils, neutral or slightly alkaline acidity.

Note! Heucheras can get wet if the autumn is long and rainy, as well as during spring thaws if the melt water stagnates. Therefore, they should be planted either on a raised bed, or on an artificial hill made of stones, or on a slope where the water rolls down.

In other words, it is very important that the soil is well drained, because the plant does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, if your soil is heavy, then you should add more baking powder, for example, sand.

If you have a forest nearby, then it is advisable to dial leaf humus (forest land) and bring it into the planting hole.

Direct landing

As a rule, on sale you can find either rooted cuttings (seedlings), or cuttings obtained by dividing an adult bush.

Step-by-step instructions for planting Heuchera in open ground:

  • Decide on a place to grow.
  • Dig a small hole the size of the plant's earthy coma.
  • Prepare a nutritious soil mixture (from the top layer of soil, compost or forest humus, wood ash).

By the way! If a group planting is supposed, then the plants should be planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.

  • Place the seedling along with the earthy clod.
  • Cover with soil and compact around.
  • Water abundantly.

It is advisable to spill the seedlings with a solution phytosporinto prevent possible diseases and protect the plant. In general, even during transplantation, in order for the plant to take root better, it can be shed with rootstock.

  • Shade for 2-6 days (even if planted in partial shade), for example by driving in pegs and pulling on spunbond or gauze. The main thing is that the material does not transmit ultraviolet rays.

Video: how to properly plant geyher in the garden

How to care for geychers outdoors

In caring for a Heuchera, you should always adhere to the golden mean, in other words, it needs moderate watering, reasonable feeding and, as already mentioned, semi-shady places.


Heuchers need moderate watering, in other words, the soil should be only slightly moist. Due to excessive dampness, the plant begins to ache and rot. However, it also reacts negatively to drought.

Heuchera varieties with silvery leaves are considered the most drought-resistant.

However, if you planted Heuchera in the sun, then in such conditions they will need more abundant and frequent watering.

Top dressing

Fertilize Heuchera only in cases of increased need, because initially the plant grew in conditions (in the mountains) where the land can hardly be called fertile. Therefore, heuchera does not require regular feeding, it can grow well without them. If the appearance of the plant is depressing, and you have changed the place several times (that is, this is not the case), then you still need to feed. But, as many experienced gardeners recommend, it is better not to feed it than to overfeed it.

Diseases and pests

The plant very rarely gets sick and is almost not affected by pests (theoretically, when waterlogged, slugs and snails may appear on the leaves, but there are no real facts and reviews about such a problem), but with excessive diligence in care (overflow, overfeeding) it can pick up powdery mildew (for treatment you can use - Fundazol, Topaz), rust or some kind of stain (Bordeaux liquid solution).

Winter preparation and spring care

Due to the peculiarities of its structure, the plant especially suffers during the period of snowless frosts, therefore it is recommended to mulch it in autumn with peat, compost, sawdust, oak leaves or coniferous litter.

Advice! It is recommended to initially bury the seedling in the ground so that its buds are not too high on the surface and, therefore, do not freeze.

Also for the winter, the plant should be covered with spruce branches from the spring sun, although this can be done in early spring.

If you built a shelter, then in the spring it should be removed only after the soil has completely thawed.

In general, geykhera is a very winter-hardy plant (in the Middle Lane, its maximum needs only to be mulched and covered, or rather, close from the spring sun rays).

Video: how Heucheras winter - their preparation for winter

It is also worth knowing that in autumn leaves leave (this is like a natural shelter), and cut them in the spring, and only those that for some reason (for example, burned down in the spring) died (became dry).

Interesting! Yes, heuchera leaves easily survive the winter and do not fall off.

Although it should be said right away, different varieties tolerate winter in completely different ways: for some, the leaves simply burn out from the spring sun (the leaves cannot evaporate moisture, because the root system is still frozen, which is why they burn), so they are needed will definitely cut off. Others remain decorative even for the next year, but it is still recommended to cut them (last year's leaves).

Video: taking care of Heuhera in spring

The use of heuchera in landscape design

The plant does not lose its decorative effect from the earliest spring to late autumn, the first snow (during the period of the first frosts, it becomes even more beautiful), which means that its possibilities of using it in landscape design of shady areas of the garden are very high.

Heuchera can be used asin mixborders together with other perennials, in other words, in group landingsand in qualitytapeworm plants, and in the sense that there will be only geyher of different shades.

Heuchera look especially beautiful in the form curb planting (along the garden path).

In general, Heuchera, like almost everyone shade-loving plants, will look very impressive on flower beds of stones - in rockeries,and also on alpine slide.

By the way! Heuchera can also be grown as a container culture.

As for the neighborhood, the Heucheras will be great friends with the following plants, including in combinations with (most of them shade-loving):

  • hosts;
  • fern;
  • roses;
  • dicenter;
  • astilbe;

  • lilies;
  • daylilies.

Popular varieties of Heuchera

There are a lot of varieties of Heuchera at the moment, but what is most pleasant is that the plant has a very rich color range of colors of leaves, as well as flowers.

The most popular varieties of Heuchera are:

  • Purple Palace;
  • Cherry Cola;
  • Marmalade (Marmalade);
  • Key Lime Pie

There are also very similar lime varieties, Lime Marmelade and Lime Rickey.

  • Hercules;

  • Paprika (Paprika);
  • Silver Gumdrop;
  • Venus (Venus).

Video: autumn review of Heuchera varieties

Heuchera has many varieties, and they all look wonderful on a personal plot, but in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to take responsibly such steps for growing a plant as choosing a place in the garden, suitable soil, proper care in the open field and, of course , competent preparation for winter.

Video: growing heuchera in the open field - planting and care

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