Growing snapdragon from seeds: planting seedlings and caring for seedlings

Snapdragon (antirrinum) - this is a flower that is perennial, but in our climatic conditions it is grown as an annual, that is, only in the warm season. Its variety of varieties is simply amazing. It can be curb, only up to 20 centimeters high, and gigantic, up to 1 meter or more. Antirrinum has gained particular popularity among flower growers also by the fact that its planting and further care does not cause any difficulties, because it is indeed a very unpretentious plant. Cultivation is recommended by seedling, and propagation by seeds.

Snapdragon varieties (antirrinum)

The most popular classification of snapdragon varieties is its division depending on the height of the bush:

  • Giant (90-130 cm): Roman Holidays, Arthur, F1 red XL and F1 pink XL.
  • High (70-90): Alaska, Di Rose, Brazilian Carnival, California, Sunny, White Bouquet, Yellow Bouquet, Orange Wonder, Anna Herman, Maxi Ruby, Canary, Madame Butterfly, Tetra.
  • Medium-sized (40-70): Apricot Umbrella, Zugshpitte, Rosella, Brighton Rock, Golden Monarch, Ruby, Serenade, Lipstick Silver, Crimson Velvet.
  • Low (20-40): Tip-Top, The Hobbit, Tom Thumb, Lampion, Yellow, Peach, Bronze and Bell Ringing.
  • Dwarf (up to 20): Magic carpet, Floral Showers F1, Sakura Blossom, Sunbeam, Candy Showers.

By the way! The flowers of the snapdragon are simple and double. Terry inflorescences look especially good when making bouquets.

When and how to properly plant snapdragon seeds for seedlings

Planting dates for seedlings

Cultivation of snapdragons through seedlings is explained quite simply: the flower has a rather long period of development from the moment of the first shoots to the beginning of flowering.

The time and timing of sowing snapdragon seeds for seedlings naturally primarily depend on the climatic conditions of the growing region. So, antirrinum begin to sow from late February to mid-April.

Note! The site already has a detailed article about how to correctly calculate the timing of sowing snapdragon for seedlings, including indicated favorable days for planting in 2020 according to the lunar calendar.

Capacity and soil

For growing seedlings of snapdragons, any purchased and homemade containers are suitable. It all depends on how much you are going to grow the plant.

The soil can be purchased ready-made in a garden store or prepared by hand at home on your own.

Due to the fact that the seed size of antirrinum is small, they can be said, even tiny, after preparing the soil mixture, it will be required sift, the same goes for purchased land.

To prepare a soil mixture for snapdragon seedlings, you will need peat and river sand.

Now the soil needs to be mixed well and then sieved. Further, in order to protect future seedlings from black leg and excess shoots of weeds, the soil must be steamed in a double boiler or heated in the oven for 60 minutes.

By the way! Stir in an additional 2-4 tbsp. spoons wood ash, snapdragon grows well and grows precisely in slightly alkaline soil.

Direct landing

When sowing snapdragons for seedlings, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Planting containers must be filled with soil mixture, then leveled and slightly compacted the soil surface.
  2. Taking a small sheet of white paper, slowly scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil (it is best to do this in rows for subsequent good ventilation of the rows and the convenience of loosening them after the seedlings sprout), and then sprinkle with pre-calcined sand or substrate for a couple of millimeters.
  3. Moisten crops from above with a spray bottle to keep the seeds in a moist environment.
  4. Now it remains to cover the crops with foil or glass and put them in a bright and warm place, where the air temperature is + 22-25 degrees.

Video: sowing snapdragon seedlings in February

Caring for antirrinum seedlings after germination

As a rule, seedlings appear on average after 2 weeks, although more time may pass. It all depends on the temperature conditions in which the planting container with antirrinum will be.

As soon as the seedlings look out, it is imperative to lower the temperature to 18-20 degrees. Also, so that young seedlings do not begin to stretch out, good lighting is needed. As always, you can use phyto lamps or more economical LED lights.

At the beginning of their path, seedlings grow and develop somewhat slowly. Watering should be accurate, frequent ventilation. 7 days after the emergence of shoots, the shelter must be removed completely. However, at first it is recommended that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the plant.

Periodic loosening of the earth as one of the elements of growing seedlings will help to avoid the appearance black leg.


Upon reaching 2 true leaves in development, it is necessary to carry out a snap of the snapdragon, which it transfers quite cheerfully, and then easily takes root.

For transplanting, use the same soil composition as for seedlings, but this time it is no longer required to sift it. There is nothing wrong if this time large fractions are found in the soil mixture. This will be a kind of hardening for the roots of a young plant.

It is better to choose cloudy weather (during the day) or when the sun is gone, that is, it is better in the evening. The fact is that in this case, we will allow the plant to strengthen the whole night, and by the morning the dived seedlings will already feel normal.

The step-by-step process of picking a snapdragon:

  1. Water the soil and seedlings abundantly so that it is well saturated and the plants are easily removed from the container.
  2. Pull out the seedlings with a spoon (or tweezers one at a time) and separate them from each other.
  3. Make small holes in a new planting container about the size of the root of the plant and gently transfer the plant there with tweezers.
  4. Then lightly dust the seedling with soil.
  5. Now all that remains is to carefully and delicately water the transplanted seedlings. It is best to do this starting from the edge of the pot.

Video: picking up snapdragon seedlings

Seedling care after picking

Top dressing of the snapdragon seedlings must be carried out 5-7 days after the pick. It is best to feed with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium complex fertilizers, which have an equal content of elements, such as nitroammofoska. Watering can be done both at the root and on the leaf, which will have a positive effect on the development of the plant itself and give more abundant flowering.

When the plant reaches 4-5 pairs of true leaves, it is necessary to carry out topping, which stimulates the active growth of side shoots. When the side shoots reach 3 pairs of true leaves, you will need to make a circular pinching of the side shoots. This will trigger the mechanisms for the development of additional shoots, which will subsequently lead to even greater flowering of the plant. Thus, it will be possible to grow a real round ball that has hundreds of beautiful flowers at the same time.

Video: rules for pinching adult snapdragon seedlings

When and how to plant snapdragons outdoors

A couple of weeks before planting in the garden, begin to gradually take out the seedlings, first simply on the balcony, and then into the open air. The antirrinum seedlings hardened in this way will easily take root in a new place and will not suffer in case of recurrent frosts.

As a rule, you can plant seedlings of snapdragons in open ground from May. This early period is due to the exceptional frost resistance of the plant.

Snapdragon is a light-loving plant, but it also tolerates light partial shade, so choose the appropriate place for planting seedlings. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that in partial shade antirrinum will bloom much more modestly.

As you already understood, antirrinum loves loose and slightly alkaline soils. If the soil is too heavy and clayey, the roots of the plant will not be able to develop normally. Therefore, in order to make such (heavy and clay) soil more suitable for planting, it should be added dolomite flour or wood ashas well as some sand.

Plant seedlings in pre-prepared planting holes along with a lump of earth. The planting scheme for each species is different. For example, it is optimal to plant dwarf and low varieties at a distance of about 20 centimeters, medium-sized ones - 25-30 centimeters, and tall ones - 45 centimeters.

Once planted, you can water abundantly and mulch with peat if desired.

Video: planting snapdragon in open ground

Outdoor care for antirrinum

Further care for the antirrinum consists in regular watering, rare dressings, weeding and regular loosening of the soil.

To feed, as during the cultivation of seedlings, snapdragon is recommended with a complex mineral fertilizer, such as nitroammofoska (it is also possible to use ammophoska and nitrophoska).

Snapdragon is very demanding on moisture, but in case of excessive drought, it quickly recovers after abundant watering. However, if you forget about regular watering, the plant will not open well, and blooming flowers may fall off. Therefore, we highly recommend that you do not dry out. The best watering time is in the morning.

It is advisable to water the snapdragon directly at the root. If you do this superficially, then the flowers will be collected with water and gradually slope. Some may even fall, you hardly want to admit it.

Antirrinum blooms in waves, that is, periods of lush flowering are replaced by some fading, when all the flowers have faded. Don't worry, this means the next wave of bloom is on its way. Such waves can continue until the very frost, in other words, until late autumn.

As the inflorescence fades, it is recommended to remove it.

Thus, if you use about the same scheme for sowing seedlings and the recommended agricultural technique for growing snapdragons, then it will bloom all summer and delight you with its lush and abundant flowering until the end of autumn.

Video: the subtleties of growing seedlings of snapdragons


1 Comment
  1. Ludmila :

    Nadenka You are just great. Everything was clearly explained and shown. I hope that everything will work out for me. (Sorry for calling you that, but I'm older than you).

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