Planting peonies in the fall: optimal terms and rules for growing

Peonies are lovely spring flowers. They are great in a variety of colors and shapes. So that they grow wonderfully lush and fill the garden with a fragrance, you should work hard when planting them.

You will learn from this article about when it is optimal to plant peonies in autumn in different regions of the country, about the peculiarities of planting them in open ground, as well as about leaving after planting and typical mistakes of novice summer residents.

When to plant peonies in autumn - in what month

It is rightfully believed that autumn is the most optimal period for planting peonies in open ground.

Although some growers plant in the spring, there are several reasons why most often the planting of seedlings is postponed until the fall.Firstly, spring is a time of increased growth, which leads to depletion of the root system. Secondly, when planting in March-April, you will hardly have to wait for flowering this year.

Note! ABOUT planting peonies in spring read in this material.

As for the specific dates for planting peonies in the fall, the best time for planting a young seedling in the Central strip (Moscow region) is the end of August-September.

Advice! You need to choose a moment when the summer heat has already subsided, and in the evenings the temperature will begin to differ markedly from the daytime. Moreover, just by the beginning of September, abundant rains come to our gardens, which only positively affect the rooting of young seedlings.

An important point is the planting period - it is required that 30-40 days remain before the onset of winter cold weather. During this period, the shrub grows additional roots and completely takes root in a new place.

If the deadlines for planting a peony in the fall are delayed, then the bush will not have time to take root in time. This will provoke poor wintering conditions, which will lead to a weakening of immunity and frequent plant diseases.

Thus, peonies should be planted in open ground in the fall about a month before the onset of frost. Otherwise, the normal growth of the shrub and its flowering may be absent.

Note! Sometimes it happens that circumstances force the peony to be planted later than the recommended dates (for example, in October-November).

What to do in this case?

  • It is necessary to plant the plant in a pot and put it in the greenhouse first. This is done in order to form the suction hairs on the roots. If they are not there, the rhizome will not receive water, that is, it becomes dehydrated, and this is very dangerous and has a bad effect on wintering.
  • After staying in the greenhouse for some time (2 weeks is enough or if the temperature drops below 0), it is recommended to dig a pot of peony directly into the ground (in the winter in the greenhouse, the soil freezes in exactly the same way as outside it).
  • Next fall, you can already transplant a flower from a pot into open ground.

Planting dates for peonies in different regions

Climate features have a direct impact on the timing of planting in different regions.

So, in Siberia and the Urals peonies are planted in autumn in August and early September. Planting late for optimal growth for the next year will not. Most likely, the bush will simply die when cold weather sets in.

In the middle lane (Moscow region) autumn planting of peonies is carried out from the end of August to the last days of September (although, very often it continues in the month of October)... This time is quite enough to take root and prepare for the winter cold. In addition, this climatic zone usually pleases with abundant rains in September, so watering is practically not required.

Naturally, the latest dates for planting peonies in the fall are at southern regions. Here, planting is carried out from October to November. In addition, the mild climate and warm winters make it possible not to harbor young plants.

How to plant peonies in autumn in open ground - features and step-by-step instructions

Before starting planting work in the garden, you should definitely decide on the optimal place for planting young peony seedlings, choose a seedling of excellent quality and properly prepare it for autumn planting, and also know at what depth to plant and how to fertilize the soil before planting.

What should be a seedling

A peony seedling is purchased in specialized garden stores or on Internet sites. If you want your seedling to quickly start growing and not get sick, then it is recommended to thoroughly approach the choice of planting material.

A 1-2 year old seedling with multiple growth points is a good option, but 3-4 year old seedlings with 3-4 buds are even better. As for their sizes, it is optimal that the rhizomes were about 20-25 cm in length (height)... As a last resort, you can take a smaller version - from 15-20 cm, but you need to check the number of growth points (buds) on it, which should be at least 2-3 pcs. The roots should be fresh, light in color.

Advice! It is recommended to purchase planting material from adult bushes that are divided. It is these seedlings that take root well and bloom profusely.

You shouldn't buy dried seedlings - it is difficult or even impossible to bring them back to life. Also not viable black dry growth points. The seller's assurances that the sleeping kidneys will wake up should not be trusted, it is unlikely to follow. Especially you should not buy very small roots without kidneys.

How to prepare a seedling for planting

The acquired peony seedling must first be prepared and processed before planting for permanent residence in the garden. To do this, he must undergo a number of preventive measures that will allow the plant to increase its immunity.

Here's what you need to do in preparation and processing of a peony seedling before planting in autumn:

  • First of all, carefully examine the roots. To do this, first rinse them well in warm water and dry them.
  • All traces of rot must be removed with a sharp knife. You also need to remove all small and rotten roots.
  • Disinfect by dipping for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, or the drug "Maxim" (special dressing agent).
  • It is also recommended to hold the rhizomes in a solution of one of the root formers (root stimulants), for example, in Zircon, or powder it with Kornevin.
  • Then fresh cuts of rhizomes should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or wood ash.
  • Then dry in a shaded place for 24 hours. This is necessary so that a cork layer forms, which protects the shrub from disease.

After the preparatory measures, the peony seedling is planted in a chosen place, which must be prepared in advance.

Landing place

In order for the peony to successfully take root, actively grow and delight you with lush flowering, you must definitely choose a suitable place for its autumn planting. Such an ideal garden location must meet and satisfy the following requirements:

  • Adequate sunlight, although in light partial shade, the shrub also blooms well. It is optimal if in the afternoon in the afternoon (that is, in the very heat) peonies will be in shade, and the rest of the time - in the sun (preferably in the morning - before lunch). If you plant a shrub in a too shady place, then the stems of the peony will begin to stretch out and the inflorescences become smaller, or the flowering will stop altogether.

Advice! Do not plant peonies between or under sprawling trees or overgrown shrubs that will constantly shade flower bushes. Although, if you plant from the south side, then this is perfectly acceptable, but not from the north, east or west side.

  • The site has protection from drafts and strong winds, there is alsogood air circulation, i.e. it does not stagnate.
  • In no case do not plant peonies in damp places... The plant is very prone to getting wet. Accordingly, it is not recommended to place seedlings on an area with very low groundwater levels (at least 70-80 cm from the surface). This arrangement negatively affects the roots of the peony - they begin to rot, which leads to disease and death. Alternatively, you can plant them in tall beds.

What soil is needed

The best peony will grow on acid-neutral loams (soil with a high clay content and a significant amount of sand). Such soil is capable of both receiving well and retaining nutrient moisture.

Important! If the soil is acidic, then you need to add lime materials (deoxidizers): dolomite flour, lime, wood ash (it is also an excellent fertilizer).

Preparation of the planting pit and nutrient soil

It is recommended to prepare a planting pit for the autumn planting of a peony 1-2 months before the proposed work. This is necessary so that the soil has time to settle and be thoroughly compacted.

Advice! Set aside the upper fertile soil when digging a hole separately, it will still be needed.

The optimal size of the planting pit for planting a peony is 70 centimeters deep and 60-70 cm wide. The need to dig such a large hole is due to the fact that the root system of the plant grows quite powerfully and can penetrate to a depth of 50 cm, which means that it makes sense to fill it with fertile soil.

If you plan to plant several peonies, then the distance between the bushes should be at least 1 meter, and better - 1.5 meters.

Next, you need to correctly fill the landing pit:

  • As first layer (10-15 cm) on the bottom of the hole must be laid out drainageso that there is no stagnation of moisture. Broken brick, pebbles or expanded clay are perfect for these purposes.

Important! Drainage is essential in soils with high groundwater levels. peonies are very afraid of getting wet.

  • Next, pour on top some sand (5 cm).
  • Now you need fertile soil... To do this, you need to take a bucket of good humus or compost (8-9 kg), or rotted manure (best horse manure), 60-80 grams superphosphate and 40-60 g of potassium sulfate) or 1-2 cups (100-200 g) wood ash, as well as the top layer of fertile soil left after digging a hole, and mix everything thoroughly.

By the way! Additionally, for greater soil fertility (or instead of superphosphate) can be mixed bone meal... The peony really loves to eat like that.

Immediate landing

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in open ground in the fall:

  1. Purchase high quality peony seedlings.
  2. Choose the best place in the garden, prepare the planting hole and fill it correctly with fertile soil, not forgetting to fill in the drainage layer.
  3. Prepare seedlings for planting.
  4. Place the seedling in the hole. It is very important to control the deepening of growth points (kidneys). They should be no deeper than 4-5 cm (if the ground is light, then it is possible by 5-6 cm, if heavy, then by 3-4 cm). If you deepen the seedling too much, then the plant may support or simply not bloom. On the contrary, if the seedling is too close to the surface of the ground, then its buds may freeze slightly in winter and it will bloom very weakly.
  5. Cover with fertile soil.
  6. Next, you need to carefully squeeze the ground with your hands, tamping. This will provoke subsidence of the soil and the removal of possible voids between the roots and the ground.
  7. Water abundantly.
  8. If necessary add more soil (if it sags).
  9. If desired, mulch with compost or peat.

Note! If you are planting 1-2 year old peony seedlings, then in the first 1-2 years it is recommended not to let them bloom and pick off the buds yourself, so that the plant grows small suction roots. Peonies begin to bloom profusely only for 3-4 years, so many plant exactly 3-4 year old seedlings.

Video: planting peonies in the fall

Important! It should be noted that planting a tree peony of fundamental differences from disembarkation has no herbaceous.

But it's worth knowing that the herbaceous peony always blooms on the shoots of the current year, and the tree peony - of the past.

Features of the autumn transplant

Peonies are not very fond of frequent migrations to new places. Especially tree-like is inherent in a long stay in one hatched area (up to 10-15 years). The only natural reason for transplanting it is the overgrowth of the bush, when it literally requires forced division and planting.

Caring for peonies after planting

Having landed, you should not leave the bush to fend for itself. During the entire remaining period (month before frost) it should be to water 2-3 more times. If the autumn months are rich in rainfall, then additional watering will not be required.

After each watering, it is desirable loosen the soil under the planted peony seedling. This is necessary for a sufficient supply of oxygen to the roots, otherwise they will develop poorly, which will negatively affect the wintering of the peony and its further growth.

Important! Watering is recommended either late in the evening or early in the morning, when the sun is just coming out or has already gone down. Otherwise, it is possible to provoke burns on a seedling that has not yet rooted.

Further peonies should water abundantly as needed (drying out the soil), especially in dry summer seasons. To nourish an adult plant, you need about 20 liters of water. In this case, it is necessary to water it in the near-trunk circle, sprinkling is prohibited, otherwise the plant can pick up a fungal infection.

Advice! If you want the topmost (central) flower to be at its maximum size, then you should definitely remove the small lateral flowers.

After planting the plant for It makes no sense to feed 2-3 years - during the preparation of the soil, a sufficient amount of nutrients was introduced into the soil.

And then (after 2-3 years) feeding peonies is already carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • in early spring, when the snow melts and the plant will only wake up - nitrogen fertilizer, you can have a little potassium.
  • budding period - potassium-phosphorus fertilizer (more potassium), it is possible with a small addition of nitrogen.

Note! The site already has a detailed article about spring feeding of peonies.

  • in the fall (2-3 weeks after flowering) - phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (more phosphorus).

By the way! More details about caring for peonies in autumn and preparing them for winter read in this article!

Video: features of planting, care and growing peonies

Possible mistakes when planting and growing a peony in autumn

Planting peonies is not a difficult task, but rather painstaking. Leaving is also not difficult, the plant is quite unpretentious in this regard. Still, flower growers sometimes make offensive mistakes.

The following typical mistakes can be distinguished when planting a peony in the fall and further caring for a plant in the open field:

  1. Incorrect planting depth of the seedling. The optimal level of the location of the growth points (buds) of the bush is 4-5 cm. A higher location will have a negative effect in winter, which will lead to freezing of the buds and the absence of flowering (or it will bloom weakly). A significant deepening, on the contrary, will provoke rotting of the buds, because the plant simply does not have enough strength to drive the peduncles to the surface.
  2. Top dressing in the fall with nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen provokes the growth of green mass, which negatively affects wintering. Greens freeze at the first frost, and the shrub loses its immunity, which leads to freezing of a part of the plant or the acquisition of a disease.
  3. Low amount of moisture, close arrangement of trees or large shrubs fraught with not only shading, but also drawing out all the moisture after watering from under the roots of the peony. The plant begins to wither and die.
  4. Shelter for the winter with rotted manure or straw - after getting wet, all the covering material safely begins to rot and rot. Such conditions provoke the acquisition of fungal diseases by the plant.
  5. Frequent transplanting of a bush from one place to another. Peonies do not like a change of residence. After planting a young seedling, it is not recommended to touch it for 5-6 years, otherwise frequent movements will lead to a lack of flowering.

Important! If you want to cut peonies for a bouquet, then you should know that they are not in any case cannot be cut "on the ground", otherwise the flower bud will not start next year. Therefore, you need to count 2-3 leaves from the ground and only then cut it off (and it is better to break it off with your hands).

The interest of novice summer residents either to the peonies themselves, or to the peculiarities of their planting in the fall, does not weaken.This is understandable, because it is very important to correctly determine the timing of planting a plant, a suitable piece of land, as well as choose and prepare a good seedling and skillfully care for a flower dear to your heart after planting.

Video: how to plant peonies in the fall

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