List of flower crops for planting in April: which flowers to plant for seedlings, and which immediately into the ground

April is the last spring month when you can have time to sow flowers for seedlings. Although, if you are a resident of a region with a relatively moderate climate (not harsh), then in the second half to the end of the month you can completely sow flower seeds directly into open ground (or for seedlings in a greenhouse under a film, a greenhouse). Another thing is, if the weather is still cold and even snowy, you will have to wait May.

Okay, let's get to the point, more precisely to the list of flowers that can be sown in April for seedlings and / or in open ground (greenhouse).

By the way! The site also has an article about what vegetables and herbs can be planted in April.

What flowers to plant in April for seedlings and in open ground

Some tips for choosing and growing flower seedlings in April:

  • In April, the daylight hours are already long enough to do not use no additional lighting. Therefore, the April seedlings turn out strongerthan the March or the more the February.

However! Now you need to regularly monitor the soil moisture in the seedling containers, because the soil in the warmer sun will dry out much faster.

  • As a rule, flowers with a long growing season are planted on seedlings, doing this back in march and February. In April, those crops are sown, which already have a fairly short growing season before flowering. However, thanks to sowing on seedlings, such flowers will be able to bloom earlier and will bloom longer... Therefore, planting seedlings of those flower crops that bloom until the very autumn frosts (especially dried flowers).
  • Also, for April sowing for seedlings, preference should be given medium and tall varieties of flowers.

List of flowers for sowing in April

Thus, in April, the following flowers can be sown on seedlings:

  • Ageratum;

  • Amaranth;

  • Gaillardia;

  • Gelikhrizum;

  • Gypsophila;

  • Godetia;

  • cornflower;

  • Sweet pea;

As a rule, it is even better to sow it directly into open ground.

If you want to make vertical gardening, then a combination of morning glory and sweet peas.

  • Fragrant tobacco;

Note! Sweet peas and tobacco are not just called sweet peas, they really have a very pleasant aroma.

  • Ornamental cabbage;

  • Decorative sunflower;

  • Dimorfoteka;

  • Iberis;

  • Ipomoea;

  • Calendula;

  • Kosmeya;

Kosmeya is very easy to grow by direct sowing into the ground.

  • Lavatera;

  • Malopa;

  • Mallow (stock-rose);

Will bloom only for 2 years.

  • Mattiola;

The mattiola flower is not planted for beauty, but for a wonderful evening scent.

  • Nigella;

  • Rudbeckia;

  • Chrysanthemum;

  • Celosia;

  • Echinacea;

  • Escholzia (California poppy).

Advice! You should not plant April flowers for seedlings in March: the seedlings will simply outgrow and suffer if you do not have the opportunity to plant them in the ground in late April-early May.

March flowers that can still be sown in April

Of course, these flowers will bloom a little later, but they will definitely not stretch out and the seedlings will turn out to be strong:

You can sow flowers directly into open ground or greenhouse

In general, in open ground in April you can sow all the same (above) flowers as for seedlings, only to do it better at the end of April, when the weather will be warmer and more stable.

Advice! When choosing flowers for April sowing in open ground, give preference to low- and medium-growing varieties.

Another thing is if there is snow outside the window, then you will have to wait at least May... Alternatively, you can proceed as follows:

  • If in April you have there is extra space in the greenhouse, then you can sow there, in order to transplant seedlings into open ground in May, to a flower bed. This is especially relevant to cropswhich cannot stand even minimal frost.

  • If you do not have a greenhouse, then you can do seedling greenhouse on arcs, stretching over the film.

A couple of important notes! Of course, the flowering of the same marigolds, dahlias, zinnias and other flowers with a relatively long period from germination to flowering will noticeably be delayed (to say nothing of aster, viola, delphinium, etc.), but you will not have to suffer with seedlings.

When to sow flowers in April according to the lunar calendar for 2021

If you want to choose a specific date for sowing seeds in April, you can use the Lunar calendar.

So,auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flowers in April 2021:

  • annual flowers - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 17-20, 24, 25;
  • perennial (biennial) - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 13-15, 24, 25.

Important! It is not so important to sow seeds for seedlings on an auspicious day, how not to do it inadverse.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flower crops in April 2021 (these are the days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • 5-6, 12, 27; (common to all cultures).

Well, novice flower growers, now you know what flowers to sow in April so that this year your flower garden will be even more colorful and fragrant.

By the way! In April you can plant some vegetables (including greens) on seedlings and in open ground (under a film) or greenhouse.

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