Planting flowers in open ground in May: a list of suitable flower crops

If you do not want to bother or you simply do not have a place on the windowsill (everything is crammed with vegetable seedlings), then many flowers can be grown in a seedless way, in other words, sow seeds directly into the ground. The wonderful and warm month of May is the best for this event (direct sowing).

Indeed, why bother with seedlings, if you can do much easier!

Let's get to the point! Namely, your attention will be presented with a list of annual flowers that can be sown in May directly into the ground.

Flowers for planting outdoors in May

The following annual and perennial (biennial) flowers (alphabetically) are suitable for a seedless growing method:

Advice! If you do not want to wait long, then when choosing specific varieties for May direct sowing in open ground, give preference the earliest and low- and medium-sized varieties, which will bloom in 30-45 days.

  • Ageratum;

It is better to grow through seedlings, but you can also direct sowing into the ground.

  • Amaranth;

As a rule, they are still first planted for seedlings.

And the flowering itself is only in the 2nd year!

Of course, it is better through seedlings, but you can also directly into the ground.

  • Cornflower;

  • Viscaria;

  • Pinnate carnation (perennial);

For early flowering, it is better through seedlings.

  • Gypsophila;

  • Godetia;

  • Dimorfoteka;

  • Sweet pea;

  • Fragrant tobacco;

Growing through seedlings is of course more preferable.

  • Iberis;

  • Ipomoea;

  • Calendula;

  • Coreopsis;

  • Kosmeya;

  • Lavatera;

  • Large-flowered flax;

  • Poppy self-seeding;

  • Malopa;

  • Mallow (stock-rose);

Blooms only in the 2nd year!

  • Fragrant Mattiola;

It doesn't bloom very brightly, but it smells ... mmm ...

  • Nigella;

  • Sunflower (decorative);

But better through seedlings.

  • Rudbeckia;

  • Scabious;

  • Phacelia bell-shaped (California bell);

  • Chrysanthemum;

  • Celosia;

  • Echinacea;

  • Escholzia (California poppy);

Video: sowing escholzia directly into the ground

  • Yaskolka.

When to sow flowers in May according to the lunar calendar for 2020

If you want to choose a specific date for sowing flower seeds in May, then you can resort to using the lunar calendar (of course, if you trust it).

So,auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flowers in May 2020:

  • annual and perennial (biennial) flowers - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31.

Important! It is not so important to sow seeds for seedlings on an auspicious day, how not to do it inadverse.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar of 2020, for planting flowers in May, the following dates are immediately in the ground (these are the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • 7, 13-14, 22 (common to all cultures).

According to the Lunar Calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

No more puzzling over what kind of garden flowers to plant in May in open ground. Our recommendations and advice, taking into account the varieties, as well as the data of the Lunar calendar, will help you. Good luck!


Question! What other annual and biennial flowers do you usually plant directly into the ground?

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