Propagation of lavender by cuttings in spring, summer and autumn: rules for cuttings

Growing lavender from cuttings is considered the most economical and effective way to propagate lavender.

Next, you will learn how to properly cut lavender at home, as well as when to plant it in open ground or transplant it into a separate pot for growing at home on a windowsill or balcony.

When to cut lavender: timing

Many summer residents carry out the procedure for grafting lavender throughout the year, but it is still optimal to choose exactly the moment when the plant is actively growing and there are many green shoots on it. That is, it is better to do it in spring (in May) or in summer, after flowering, closer to autumn (to have time to land before frost).

Note! Lavender does not tolerate indoor wintering very well. she needs a long daylight hours (will have to highlight) and a lower temperature. Therefore, if you decide to graft late autumn, it is better to put the cuttings in the basement (in the substrate) for preservation or dig into the open ground under a dry shelter (otherwise they will be wiped out) until spring.

Harvesting cuttings: cuttings rules

Step-by-step instructions for grafting lavender:

  • Take a secateurs (or a sharp knife. Not scissors!), Choose the most suitable annual shoots (i.e. current year) with long tops and cut them into cuttings.

If the shoot is flowering, then its upper part with flowers must be cut off.

  • Now it is necessary clean the lower part of the shoot from leaves about 3-5 centimeters (from a third to half the length of the cutting).

The upper leaves are left to feed the cutting. However, if you leave too much greenery, then the plant will spend all its energy on it (+ evaporation of moisture), although we need it to grow roots.

  • The total length of the cutting should be of the order of 10-12 centimeters.

Planting lavender cuttings in pots at home

Before planting cuttings (set for rooting), you need to prepare:

  • suitable planting containers, e.g. small pots, 0.5 liter cups.
  • drainage (shards, expanded clay, polystyrene);
  • soil mixture (loose and light, preferably sandy);

Alternatively, you can mix in approximately equal parts universal soil (or better compost) with one of the disintegrants - river sand, perlite or vermiculite.

Planting lavender cuttings in a pot step by step:

  • Place a drainage layer + a little moistened sand on the bottom of the planting container (for better drainage).
  • Fill the pot with soil mixture and tamp lightly.
  • Spill with water (even better with a solution Fitosporin for soil disinfection).
  • In the pot, bury the cutting with the peeled tip down, to the very leaves.

Advice! For better rooting, before planting, it is recommended to treat lavender cuttings with root growth stimulants (for example, the same "Kornevin").

By the way! You can plant several cuttings in one pot.

  • Drizzle with room water.
  • As soon as the water is absorbed, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions for the plant (so that it is warm and humid), namely, cover with a bag or film.
  • Place in a warm place for further rooting.

Advice! Similarly, you can plant cuttings directly into open ground or pre-greenhouse.

The basis for further care for lavender cuttings is keeping the soil moist, in other words, regular watering.

When to plant lavender cuttings outdoors

Typically, it takes about 1-1.5 months (4-6 weeks) for lavender to take root.

Signal to transfer to separate containers (suitable both for growing at home and for a garden) or planting in open ground - this is the appearance of young rootswho are trying to crawl out through the drainage holes of the landing container, and regrowth of side shoots (the stalk will begin to bush).

Landing in the ground is quite standard. Seedlings must be carefully removed from the planting containers. To do this, they should be turned over, then, holding the upper part of the plant, lightly knock on the bottom of the container and pull out along with a lump of earth.

If planting in open ground occurs in the fall, then you must definitely do well shelter.

By the way! If you wish, you can transplant rooted lavender cuttings into larger pots and leave at homeby placing it on the balcony (loggia) or rearranging it to the light southern windowsill, i.e. continue growing at home.

As you understand, growing lavender from cuttings is a fairly simple matter, especially if you have already had a successful experience of cutting and rooting, for example, the same roses, grapes, thuja... Good luck!

Video: grafting lavender

Note! The site also has an article about how to grow lavender from seeds... In it, you can find recommendations for choosing a place for planting and rules for further growing in the open field.

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