The most shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden: shrubs and flowers

Already in early spring, we begin to think about the layout of our garden, distributing the plants that we will plant in different corners of the summer cottage.

As a rule, most are faced with the problem of choosing a plant for planting in shady places, which they really want to decorate with beautiful flowers or shrubs, because such areas often remain empty and unkempt.

What to plant in a shady place or which plants are shade-tolerant

A shady place is considered to be the area where sunlight falls no more than 3 hours a day, and the rest of the time there is a deep shadow.

Each garden has shaded areas, such as northern slopes, fence spots, or between large trees.

In fact, the shady places in the garden are the best places, because, as a rule, this is where your favorite bench is located to relax on a hot summer day. However, not every plant can withstand the shade, grow successfully and please the eye with its flowering.

Shade-loving plants include those plants that, as strange as it may sound, do not tolerate sunlight at all or suffer from its excess.

However! Yet it is more correct to talk about "shade-tolerant plants", since no plant can grow without light.

They usually have bright, juicy and green foliage.

All shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants can be divided into 2 varieties: decorative deciduous and flowering.

  • To the shade-loving flowers and flowering shrubs include the following: weigela, matthiola two-horned, daisy, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco, astilba, brunner, lungwort, hydrangea (large-leaved, tree-like, serrate), geychera, honeysuckle, hawthorn, badan, roggersia, basilica, volisema dicentra, aconite, tenaciousness (Ayuga), lily of the valley, cuff, astrantia, kupena, black cohosh, buzulnik.
  • To the shade-loving decorative leafy shrubs includes hosta, fern, astilboides, euonymus, Thunberg barberry, privet.

Advice! When you compose a shady area with plants, do not plant only monocultures, shade-loving perennials and annuals look great in close proximity.

Popular shade-loving shrubs

Barberry Thunberg

Shrub for shady places ideal barberry Thunberg... In deep shade, you will hardly get bright yellows and reds, and, most likely, it will just be a uniform green color, but nevertheless, it is still a very noticeable shade-tolerant plant.

By the way! About planting and growing barberry read here.


Another small and shade-tolerant shrub is euonymus... Its variegated and short form looks very good in the garden.


A short shrub will be quite visible under the shade of the trees. privet... Its lemon-colored leaves seem to illuminate a shady place.


If you want to plant a taller shrub with healthy berries in a shady corner of your garden, then it is best suited for these purposes hawthorn.


And if you need a flowering shrub, then this is suitableweigela... However, different varieties have different attitudes towards the shade - there are more shade-tolerant, there are less.

By the way! About planting and growing weigela you can read more here.


It will look very decorative in a shady cornercotoneaster... It has lovely dark green leathery and shiny leaves. Again, the varieties differ markedly in shade tolerance.


Imagine how pleasant it will be to sit in the gazebo that is entwined decorative honeysuckle (Honeysuckle or Tatar honeysuckle) with its gorgeous flowers.

Kalina Buldenezh

By the way, decorative viburnum Buldenezh (Snow globe) also shade-tolerant.

By the way! The site already has detailed material about planting and growing viburnum Buldenezh.

Popular annual and perennial shade-tolerant flowers

The favorites among the flowers for a shady garden are Mattiola two-horned, daisy, forget-me-not, scented tobacco.

Scented tobacco

If we talk about seasonal and annual shade-loving plants, then under trees, where there is a lot of shade, in the spring you can safely plant daffodils, crocuses, tulips and hyacinths, because they bloom in all their glory long before the leaves appear on the trees.

Brief descriptions of the most popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennials: shrubs and flowers


According to many gardeners, the hosta is simply the queen of a shady garden.She has the most varied color of leaves, ranging from gray to yellow-green, there are even leaves with a white edging.

Note! The site already has an articleabout planting and growing hosts.

It is very appropriate to combine the hostu with a variety of fern varieties, planting them in the shade of the house, where everything is in order with the humidity (it is high).

Video: care and cultivation of shade-loving hosts


It is a bizarre plant that thrives in shade and grows well in wet soil.

Important! Read more about planting and growing astilba in the open field.

Video: growing and caring for shade-loving astilba


The most striking feature of this plant is the original large leaves. Its leaf can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

Another distinguishing feature of Astilboides is that it does not quite usually have a stalk: it grows right from the middle of the leaf. In other words, it turns out such an umbrella with a leg.

This luxurious and showy plant loves to grow near swampy rivers and is best suited for decorating artificial reservoirs.


There are a lot of varieties of buzulniks. Those that grow in natural conditions have dark green leaves and irresistible yellow inflorescences.

In artificially bred buzulniks, they often have dark brown, even actually burgundy foliage and unusual, chamomile-like, yellow flower stalks that are able to hold for a whole month.


This is a completely unique plant, perfect for shade planting. In winter, it leaves in a green state and after winter it again appears green to the eye. The fact is that under the snow, berry does not shed its foliage and does not die, but remains green all the time.

The flowers of this plant are unpretentious and modest, but very cute.

Another interesting property of badan is that its old leaves, which turn dark or brown, have special healing properties. In Tibet, they are brewed as anti-aging tea.

Video: unpretentious and shade-tolerant badan

Brunner (Forget-me-not)

Indispensable for decorating a small shady area.

In addition to beautiful leaves of impressive coloring (variegated and green with silvery cobwebs), it also blooms beautifully angelically - with little blue forget-me-nots.

You can look at it for hours, it is so airy and beautiful. It's just impossible to take your eyes off!

Video: planting and caring for a shade-loving Brunner large-leaved plant

Volzhanka (Aruncus)

It perfectly withstands partial shade, but blooms a little less abundantly in deep shade. And all the same, the unassuming Volzhanka again and again dissolves its inflorescences!

Video: unpretentious Volzhanka for planting and flowering in the shade


Geykhera looks absolutely wonderful, which has won the hearts of many gardeners. The number of leaf colorings is surprisingly rich: from lilac-steel to bright red and green.

The sizes are also quite diverse: from miniature forms to quite tall specimens.

This is an absolutely unpretentious plant that does not require special attention to itself, grows well and does not lose its decorative effect from May to October.

Important! Read more about planting and growing Heuchera in the open field.

In addition, Heuchera is very winter-hardy and tolerates the first autumn frosts perfectly, leaving under the snow with leaves supported by frost.

And in the month of May, Heucheras start very quickly and gain their color due to the amazingly beautiful foliage.

It blooms wonderfully beautifully, the peduncles rise high enough above the plant and hold for quite a long time.

In the recent past, botanists crossed Heuchera and Tiarella and got a new variety, Heycherella. The plant has become even more resistant to color preservation, and the color range is much wider.

Video: everything about growing shade-loving heuchera

Dicentra (Broken Heart)

It can grow in open and sunny areas as well as in shaded areas. However, in the sun, the buds bloom and bloom early, and the peduncles are not particularly large and splendid. In shady places, the color picks up more slowly, but the flowers are brighter, larger and enjoy their wonderful appearance until July-August. Therefore, it will be good to plant the dicenter, for example, closer to the gazebo or house, the shadow of which will fall on the plant most of the day.

It will look good near the fence.

Note! Read more about planting and growing dicentra from rhizomes and seeds in the open field.

Video: how to grow a dicenter or a broken heart in a shady garden

Black Cohosh (Tsimitsifuga)

Its name, of course, is not entirely euphonic, but the foliage is so delicate and pretty that when you see it, you will most likely just fall in love.

At the end of summer, he usually throws out a peduncle - a long panicle with silvery flowers. The spectacle is impressive! It is simply impossible to pass by without stopping.

Another important advantage of this shade-tolerant perennial is the fact that it can grow for quite a long time in the same place.


In our summer cottages, this flower is not widespread, but nevertheless it is a very friendly plant, which, like no other, is suitable for the shady side of the summer cottage.

His color can vary from dark green to variegated, when a green leaf is bordered by white stripes along the edge.

Delicate white and pink flowers all over the stem, somewhat similar to lily of the valley, are a very pleasant sight.

The plant grows fast enough, so if you need to fill the shady space under fruit trees or plant in the shade next to conifers, then the kupena deserves your attention.


Another king of the shadow is the fern. Of course, he does not give flowers, no matter how much we want and expect, but he has amazing foliage, which can be of different colors, different sizes and shapes. He lives best in a humid shady corner.

We are used to the fact that the fern is always dark green, but now we have developed varieties with a dark brown color, a lilac center and silvery leaf edges.

If you plant a fern in the shade of your garden house or in another shady place, then it will completely take all your attention and the attention of your garden guests.

Video: caring for a fern and growing it in the shade under the crown of trees


Many gardeners call her the queen of a shady garden, which grows up to 1.5 meters in height.

Thanks to the magnificent large leaves, Rogersia is very picturesque throughout the season.

Fluffy and fragrant panicle inflorescences of white, pink or cream color bloom in early July and can bloom for more than a month.

Idea for a shaded area design! Plant such tall and shade-loving plants as buzulniks, black cohosh and ferns in the background, make the second tier from host, and in the lower plan - geykhera and geyherella.

In your summer cottage, only shaded areas remained unplanned, and it is difficult for you to find suitable plant specimens to revive them? Take advantage of our tips and tricks for landscaping, and then the whole mosaic of your garden will come together.

Video: what plants to plant in a shady area

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