When and how to sow daisies: further cultivation and care in the open field

The first thing that comes to mind when you look at the flowers of daisies is the word tenderness. One should only be touched by them - they are so pleasant, modest and amazing anywhere. Any self-respecting florist, like a novice summer resident, has the opportunity to breed daisies in their area. For this, it is very important to figure out when and how to sow wonderful flowers correctly, how to care after sowing, and then in the open field. Our article is devoted to all these problems, as well as many other subtleties of growing these perennial plants.

When and how to sow to sow daisies for seedlings and in open ground

Daisies can be sown both directly with seeds in the ground and for seedlings. Whoever likes it more.

If you are not used to bothering with seedlings, then direct sowing of seeds in open ground can be started from late May to early June (or even earlier, because the main thing is that the threat of return frosts has already passed) and until August.

By the way! Some sources (on packs of seeds) indicate that daisies can be sown before winter or early spring (directly on the snow).

If you are used to growing plantsseedling method, then sowing seeds for seedlings can be carried out already in the second half of April-early May, or even much earlier. Or in the summer - in June-July, to plant seedlings closer to autumn.

Worth knowing! As a rule, perennial daisies flower only the next year after sowing (in other words, they are grown as a biennial crop).

However, if you sow daisies for seedlings in February-March with further picking, then they will be able to normally build up green mass and roots, which means that theoretically they will be able to bloom this year (in autumn).

How to sow daisies for seedlings: growing and care

In order for the seedlings of daisies to be of good quality, it is necessary to very thoughtfully approach the choice of capacity and soil for sowing, but somehow you do not need to prepare the seeds in a special way.

Capacity and soil

Any process of growing seedlings begins with the selection of a suitable container and soil.

You can use a common container, for example, a container with a lid or something similar.

In the future, picking will not be required, but, in fact, daisy seedlings easily tolerate transplanting (picking), so if you wish, you can pick it out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, if you planted it very early (in February-March).

The soil should be fertile and loose. Any universal soil for flower seedlings is suitable.

The soil mixture itself must be disinfect, for example, by steaming in the oven and / or spilling with a solution of potassium permanganate, or even better Fitosporin.

Seed preparation

No preparation is required for daisy seeds.

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing daisy seeds for seedlings:

  • Fill the container with nutritious soil.
  • Moisten thoroughly with a spray bottle.
  • Sow seeds over wet soil.

If desired, you can sprinkle, or rather "sprinkle" with a 0.1-0.2 cm layer of soil (or sand), but you can not sprinkle it. In fact, most often small seeds are not sprinkled, but many growers successfully grow with a light powder.

  • Close the lid or cover with foil, glass.
  • Place in a bright and relatively warm place (seed germination temperature + 16-18 degrees).

Video: growing daisies from seeds at home

Seedling care after sowing

The first friendly shoots should appear in a week. That's it, now you can remove the shelter.

Further care for daisy seedlings before planting in open ground consists mainly in regular watering (the top layer should not dry out). The area for growing flowers should be moderately warm and light.

In about a month, when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they can be planted in open ground.

If you planted daisies in February-March, then naturally, you will need to unpack them in separate cups, pots or cassettes. And be sure to light up!

Planting seedlings in open ground

The approximate timing of planting daisy seedlings in open ground is the second half of May-early June, when the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

The very process of landing in the ground is as follows:

  • prepare the place, loosen the soil;
  • slightly moisten the soil;
  • take out the seedlings from the container, carefully separate (if it separates poorly, then spill the roots with water);
  • make small holes, put plants in them and compact the earth.
  • watering;
  • mulch.

Plants should be planted 10-15 centimeters apart.

Direct sowing of daisy seeds outdoors

The process of sowing directly into the soil is similar to sowing for seedlings: sprinkle the seeds over the surface of the moistened soil and lightly sprinkle them with soil (sand).

Video: summer planting daisy seeds in open ground

Landing place

In principle, daisies, like many flowering plants, love sunlight, which means that the place should be open and sunny. But you can plant them in partial shade, where they will also grow beautifully.

In shady areas of plants, peduncles are slightly extended.

However, if you live in the South of Russia, and it is very hot in the sun, the daisies will look drooping and lethargic, no matter how you water and mulch them.

The daisy is perfect for growing in flower beds, ridges and borders.

Also in pots and balcony boxes. Including on the window (very light - south).

By the way! Daisies look very nice with tulips, daffodils and others bulbous plants.

They are also very often used to create a Moorish lawn.

Outdoor Daisy Care

Caring for daisies is not difficult because the plant is quite unpretentious. Care activities are the most basic: watering, loosening and weeding from weeds, feeding as needed.

Important! If the daisies bloom in the first year after planting, then you should definitely remove all peduncles so that the plant does not waste extra energy on flowering, but builds up the green mass, the root system and can overwinter well.


Daisies are very fond of moisture, so we can say that all caring for them consists in systematic watering ... And that's all. If your soil is more clayey, then in rare waterings, if sandy - in more frequent.

However! This does not mean that they need to be constantly watered. They can easily survive a drought, because initially it Wildlife meadow plants... But with good care, their decorative effect, of course, will be much higher. But again, you should always be careful.

Top dressing

Important! You should determine the need for feeding by the appearance of the plant. If it has good and juicy greens, many flower stalks are laid, does it make sense to additionally fertilize it with something?

In general, to feed a daisy, you can use complex mineral fertilizers, both in liquid and dry (granular) form.

In the first year after planting, if your soil is fertile, it is completely unnecessary to feed the daisies. But next year it is already possible, but only if necessary.

Transplanting and dividing the bush

Everyone knows that perennials periodically need to be divided and transplanted, otherwise they will begin to degenerate and lose their decorative effect. And daisies even more so!

Note! It is recommended to divide and plant daisies every 2-3 years.

The procedure itself should be carried out either in early spring or after flowering, but summer transplantation of even flowering plants is also possible.

Carefully dig out the bushes, divide them with your hands into several parts. If you wish, you can trim the roots if they are very long (over 10 cm).

Plant in small and pre-prepared holes (you can also moisten them in advance).Then water abundantly and shade for the first time.

As a rule, daisies quickly take root and continue their flowering (if transplant flowering).

Video: transplanting daisies by dividing the bush in the summer during flowering

Interesting! Many growers agree that the daisy is a very resistant plant that grows like a weed, in other words, from her very hard to get rid ofand she's great reproduces by self-seeding.

If you are happy to have amazingly beautiful daisies on your site, take great attention to the rules for their sowing, rational care after sowing, as well as many other subtleties of growing this perennial in the open field. And then you are guaranteed a luxurious bloom. So get to work!

Video: daisies - growing and care

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