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Chicken breed Ayam Tsemani breed

Ayam Tsemani chickens have original exterior qualities. They have the darkest skin, bones and flesh. Despite the emergence of certain difficulties in caring for birds, they have a rather attractive appearance, which ...

Moulting in laying hens

Molting in chickens is a physiological process, the essence of which is the gradual death of old feathers, skin particles and their replacement with new structures. There are several types of procedure, in most cases they ...

When do they start and how many chickens rush

The age at which the functional maturity of the chicken breeding system begins depends on the breed, the type of food used and the conditions provided by the breeder for the herd. In certain areas of the breeder's activity ...

Chickens and feather lice

The downy eater belongs to the class of parasites that live on the surface of the down and feather cover and on the skin of chickens. The reason for its appearance is the contact of layers with infected birds of other species or individuals that are vectors ...

Why does a chicken have blood from the anus

The appearance of blood in the anus in chickens may be associated with a number of factors, which, in addition to the inflammatory process in the cloaca area, include a violation of the feeding conditions for chickens, the release of an egg that has an irregular shape, ...


